Olympic biathlon champion Nadezhda Skardino presented an Olympic bib at the charity auction in which she competed in the Pyeongchang Pursuit Race and the skis. SPORT.TUT.BY represents lots, whose proceeds will go to the needs of the organization to support children with autism. The auction will last until August 6th.
On the Olympic jacket of the pursuit race, besides the autograph of Scardino (second from the right), there are the signatures of Daria Domracheva, Ule-Einar Bjoerndalen, Dinara Alimbekova (of left to right) and Irina Krivko (bottom left). Bjoerndalen is the most titled biathlete in history: 8 gold medals at the Olympic Games, 6 World Cups and 20 World Championship wins. Skardino, Domracheva, Alimbekova and Krivko in Pyeongchang-2018 won gold in the relay race
Another lot at the charity auction was skis with Hope's autograph, on which she ran for several years at the World Cup and at the World Championships. tell exactly where, because biathletes, as usual, always have a few pairs of skis with them, "said Scardino – But trust me, if I competed on these skis, they are good : they helped me to get good results
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