On the coast of New Zealand, cast the skeleton of a terrible sea creature


A resident of New Zealand's Christchurch city Hannah Mary, walking along the local beach with her mother, made an unexpected discovery. Among the marine debris and seaweed, she found the skeleton of a mysterious creature.

According to the girl, his structure incomprehensible, he looked like a stranger or some sea ​​monster. Hannah even saw fangs on her wings.

Photos of an unidentified monster girl posted on Facebook and asking users if they know who this strange animal is. In recent days, journalists and scientists have noticed this discovery.

Malcolm Francis, a specialist at the National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research, who viewed these images, said that the "sea monster" was only one ramp, Dipturus nasutus.

He spends most of his life at the bottom, has a flat skeleton and uses protuberances that look like legs for mating.

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