Ovens "according to martial law": heating systems of Borisov change heating systems in winter. Residents are already freezing


The inhabitants of the military city of Pechi in Borisov have turned to the drafting of TUT.BY: with the arrival of winter cold, local heating networks have begun to replace the heating network, the heating does not have any effect. was activated for the night, it was cold in the apartments. People are outraged, why should pipe replacement be at least 10, if it could be done before the heating season?

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– A month ago, in our city, the old heating networks suddenly changed, said Natalia, a resident of the stoves. – And it was not a necessary measure, but a planned job! As they explained, the funding was received just a month ago and the budget should be under control this year again. From 8 o'clock in the morning, the heating is off, there is no hot water. Even though it was hot outside, the apartments did not cool as quickly. When heating is activated at 19:00, rooms already have +160S. And this takes into account the fact that I have a small child, so an electric heater works in addition to 24 hours. Yesterday, we received the heating at 20 hours. At a normal temperature of 20 to 21 degrees, the apartment is only heated at 2 in the morning. However, on weekends, the work is not finished and the apartments are hot.

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Recently, announcements have been announced at the entrances indicating that heating pipe repairs should be completed by December 31st.

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"Workers who change the pipes, we are told that these conditions are not real – at best in January," says Natalia. – We called the "direct line" of the executive committee of the city to complain, so we were told that the inhabitants of the city should always say "thank you" for replacing the heating pipe.

Now boilers are no more than one construction site: pipes are already buried, others are cutting the old heating pipe. Earthworks are also a nuisance for residents. For example, builders do not place trench fencing anywhere, nor do they install bridges to access the entrances.

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In the Housing Department 7, the organization serving the furnaces described the situation in the city as "martial law".

– In fact, "martial law" has been declared in the ovens, says Head of Housing Department-7 Vasily Rusakov. – We are working on a new work schedule, plumbing day and night. Every morning we attend planning meetings and tell us which houses will be shut down today. Fortunately, the entire city is not immediately disconnected from the heating, but in part. At the moment, the central highway is not affected either, so the boiler works, the rest of the houses is hot and we try to prevent the heating pipes from breathing. We do our best not to leave people without heat.

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Meanwhile, the thermometer drops lower and lower and residents of the city fear that utilities will defrost pipes in their entrances.

According to our information, the work of replacing the heating pipes in the boilers should have started during the hot season. However, the money for this only appeared that in the fall. It is logical that they began to develop with the arrival of the gel. However, Borisov has a hard experience of winter work on the heating and hot water pipes. In December 2016, the heating network of the first boiler room, which heats one third of the houses in the city, has already been replaced in Pech.

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