"People vote with their feet." Which countries joined the struggle for Belarusian workers


Belarussians are leaving more and more to work abroad. If in 2014, outside the country, according to official statistics, 62.2 thousand people were working in the past – nearly 21 thousand more. In fact, according to experts, these numbers can be much higher. This is recognized by the authorities themselves, they intend to embark on a "tangible work migration". Meanwhile, some countries have actively joined the struggle for Belarusian workers. FINANCE.TUT.BY has understood how labor migration threatens our economy, what consequences can lead to staff exodus and what is the actual number of migrants.

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/shukaylo/08/6 / data-x-width = "1200" data-y-height = "480" avtovokzal_centralnyy_20170726_shuk_tutby_phsl_5576.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/shukaylo/08 /6/avtovokzal_centralnyy_20170726_shuk_tutby_phsl_5576.jpg "title =" Photo by Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> The picture is illustrative. Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY </figcaption></figure>
<h2>  "Russia has become less inclined to go to work because we have improved the economic situation" </h2>
<p>  In 2017, according to official statistics, 83 thousand people were working in the country. foreign (in 2016 – 59.5 thousand people, and in 2015 – 39,400). Our compatriots most often seek work in Russia: in 2017, nearly 84% of Belarussians who have left to earn a living have "settled" in this country. Last year, about 70,000 people worked in the Russian Federation. </p>
<p>  The data of the Russian party on migrant workers from Belarus differ in the big party. For example, in <span style= the Directorate General of Migration of the Russian Ministry of the Interior noted that in 2016 there were 128,000 Belarusians working in the country. According to estimates of the Belarussian side, just under 4,000 people left the country to work the previous year

– According to expert estimates, Russia employs between 100 and 150 thousand people. Some even estimate this figure at 500 thousand people, – says Anastasia Bobrova head of the Department of Human Development and Demography of the National Academy of Sciences Economics Institute, candidate of the economics . – But here the question is how to take into account migrant workers: look only at the register of the migration service of Russia; take into account those who left 10 years ago for a neighboring country and who sometimes come to their country of origin. But in any case, the figure of 500 thousand people is exaggerated, in my opinion. Belarussians do not have any sense to work illegally in Russia

– In Russia, the actual number of temporary workers can represent 200,000 or more Belarusians annually, – the academic director of the EAST research center (Warsaw) Andrey Eliseev . ] The Head of the Representation Office of the International Organization for Migration in the Republic of Belarus Zeynal Hajiyev also spoke of the problem of enumeration of migrant workers: the number of Belarussians who went to work in the country. Foreign can be dozens of times more than recording official statistics.

– The statistics are officially recorded. In fact, it is not so easy for migrant workers to register in the country of exodus. To do this, migrants must come and register officially, which, as practice shows, is not always done. Zeynal Hajiyev explained: "It is necessary to refer to the statistics of the host country – while the data on the Belarusians who go to work in Russia in the first half show that the number of migrants compared to the same period l & rsquo; Last year has changed slightly. Although the number of migrants has increased in 2017 compared to last year.

According to Anastasia Bobrova, "The number of migrant workers from Russia has decreased significantly in Russia, because the economic situation in Belarus has improved, they are looking for a more job here." [19659005] Anastasia Bobrova notes that Belarusians working in Russia contribute to the formation of the Russian pension fund. "In most cases, our compatriots are returning to their homeland.As a result, the workload on the Social Security Fund is increasing," says Anastasia Bobrova.According to the expert, "people vote with their feet According to the Ministry of Labor and Migration of the Ministry of the Interior, in the first half of 2018, 2676 Belorussians went to work in Russia and for the whole of 2017 – 6160.

"In the years to come, women's migration to Poland will increase "

Poland ranks second in terms of the number of guest workers from Belarus, which has considerably simplified the employment rules for foreign workers , including for the migrant workers of our country.

The Poles also plan to allow certain migrant workers, including from Belarus, based in the country on a residence permit and a residence permit. one year after the residence to transport parents. They will also be able to work legally in Poland. – The sharp increase in the migration of Belorussians to Poland, both temporary work and the change of permanent residence, is the most important trend of the last three years on the labor market of Belarus, Eliseev. – In fact, in recent years, this is a record case of such an increase in labor migration (not in absolute but relative terms) in a country of Central and Eastern Europe. In absolute terms, the number of Ukrainian migrant workers in Poland is much higher than that of Belarussians, but the growth dynamics of Belarusian labor migration over the last three years is much more impressive.

According to the badyst, the statistics reveal a fairly significant reorientation of some Belarusian migrant workers. from the Russian labor market to Polish. "

– If we take the number of invitations for Belarusian migrant workers from Polish employers, then it has increased over the last four years If in 2014 their number has slightly exceeded 4 thousand, then in 2017 – by of 60 thousand (for comparison: in 2015 this figure was 5599 people, and in 2016 – 23 400).

The expert believes that "tens of thousands of Belarusians who worked in Poland l & # 39; 39, last year have not been counted. "

– In addition to the holders of working visas, some Polish card holders (and their number exceeded 100,000 last year) are also involved in Polish labor relations, Andrey Eliseev

According to him, the interest of Belarusians for the Polish labor market is conditioned, inter alia, by the devaluation In addition to a mechanism like the Polish card , Poland had a regi Simplified employment for Belarusians for many years (and also for Ukrainians, Russians, Moldavians, Georgians and Armenians). In 1965, the Byelorussians found themselves on the Russian labor market

Andrey Yeliseyev draws attention to the fact that in research systems "Poland has already surpbaded the popularity of Russia in number of applications for work abroad ".

At the same time, men are more likely than women to go to work in Poland

– Until now, the temporary migration of Belarusian labor force to Poland is mainly male, only 15% of Polish job offers are addressed to women. The portrait of a typical Belarusian migrant in Poland is a man of 26-40 years old who works in construction or a transport worker in the metropolitan area, Gdansk or Poznan and their surroundings. Probably, in the next few years, the migration of women to Poland will also increase, – says Andrei Eliseev.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Migration of the Ministry of the Interior, in the first half of 2018 1624 Belarusians went to work in Poland. – 2978 people.

Belarusian drivers and builders are in great demand in Lithuania

The third country in popularity among Belorussians for labor migration is Lithuania. In this country, since 1 January of last year, amendments have been adopted, according to which foreigners with rare jobs in the Lithuanian labor market are not required to obtain a work permit [19659025]. in the Republic of Lithuania, including in educational institutions as part of a vocational training program, intend to work according to qualifications acquired, as well as foreigners who are sent on a temporary basis For example, in the first half of this year: drivers of international freight vehicles, welders, metal hull collectors, metalworking machine operators, seamstresses and 10 construction trades (mason, concrete mixer, fitter metal frame, plasterer, tiler, etc.].

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https: // img.tyt.by/n/shukaylo/ 07/4 / bagazh_chemodan_avtovokzal_centralnyy_20170726_shuk_tutby_phsl_5094.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: //img.tyt .by / 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 07/4 / bagazh_chemodan_avtovokzal_central nyy_20170726_shuk_tutby_phsl_5094.jpg "dat ay-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/shukaylo/07/ 4 / bagazh_chemodan_avtovokzal_centralnyy_20170726_shuk_tutby_phsl_5094.jpg "title =" Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> The picture is illustrative. Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The list of professions, whose representatives need high qualifications and which are lacking in Lithuania, is applied when issuing a temporary residence permit, when the 39. employer agrees to employ it for at least 1 year the salary is not less than 1.5 average. According to the Statistics Department, the average salary in Lithuania is currently 895 euros "on paper". This means that 1.5 times the average – 1343 euros "on paper" or more than 1000 euros "in the hands". </p>
<p>  But because of the influx of migrant workers, especially from Ukraine, Lithuanians have decided to set quotas for certain professions. "The process of ousting our citizens from the labor market can begin, since it is a cheaper labor force," noted the Lithuanian Vice Chancellor <strong> Deividas Matulionis </strong>. According to him, first and foremost, this concerns drivers and builders. </p>
<p>  Belarusians last year, according to Lithuanian statistics, have come to work in this country less often. If, in 2016, the Lithuanian Labor Exchange issued 6498 work permits to Belorussians (33% of all permits issued), in 2017 it was 1198 (22% of all permits issued). But this year the number of Belarusians working in Lithuania has increased again. Belarusians most often work as drivers of international freight vehicles, builders, masons, cooks, welders, managers, electricians, elevator workers, plumbers, project managers, programmers, "says Milda Jankauskiene </p>
<p> . Recall, Lithuanian farmers previously complained that they could not find workers for a salary of 1000 euros. Among those who responded to the holidays, there were Belarussians. </p>
<p>  To get a job in Lithuania, one needs a work permit, which must be obtained before arriving in the country. "An employer who intends to employ a foreign national must turn to the territorial labor exchange and register a free workplace," notes the Lithuanian Labor Exchange. – The application of an employer with an application for a work permit in the Republic of Lithuania is not examined if, 14 days before filing at the territorial agency, he has not registered a free workplace in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts. and the migration of the Ministry of the Interior, in the first half of 2018, 695 Belarusians went to work in Lithuania, and 410 for the whole of 2017. </p>
<h2>  What other countries joined the struggle for workers Belarusian? </h2>
<p>  Among the countries in which Earlier the head of the organization "peasant Seym" notedRichszazins noted, that the attraction of a foreign workforce for a campaign of Latvia is almost inevitable. Potential workers include Belarussians and Ukrainians. </p>
<p>  Latvia's Office of Citizenship and Migration notes the growth of migrant workers in our country. Thus, beginning of 2016 in the country with a valid work permit there were 714 Belorussians, 2017 – 817, and at 1 January 2018 – 961. </p>
<p>  – The most popular professions: drivers of trucks and tractors – 580 persons, 653 and 754 respectively; programmers – 18, 23, 44 (data on January 1 of the last three years – Ed.), – FINANCE.TUT.BY was told in the department for citizenship and migration of Latvia. </p>
<p>  In Belarus, Belarusian workers are also in demand companies, including food. "Ukrainians, Belarusians can be imported for a minimum wage.There are already tens of hundreds of these workers in companies," said the chairman of the board of the Latvian Federation of Enterprises of the Food Industry <strong> Inara Shura </strong>. Belarusian carriers are also in great demand in Latvia </p>
<p>  At the same time, there is no benefit for the employment of Belarusians in this country, the rating of Latvian employment services. </p>
<p>  According to the Ministry of Labor and Migration of the Ministry of the Interior One person left for Latvia and 18 for the whole of 2017. </p>
<p>  The Czech Republic is another country that is of interest to Belarusian workers. It should be noted that this year the Belorussians have become much more often sent to work in this country. If in 2017 in the Czech Republic 85 people were employed, then only 164 people in the first half of 2018. </p>
<p>  At the same time, the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it would allocate more resources to examine the work permit applications from specialists from other countries. , including Belarus. The stable economic growth of the Czech Republic and the low unemployment rate, which reached 2.4% in December, have meant that many companies are experiencing a shortage of employees and are in desperate need of replenishment to meet the demand. . </p>
<p>  In the first half of 2018, 164 Belorussians went to work in the Czech Republic and 85 left for the whole of 2017. </p>
<p>  The exodus of the labor force does not benefit not to the economy of Belarus. <strong> George Badey </strong>. </p>
<p>  – The worker creates added value, with which the state lives – taxes, etc. If fewer workers, it means less value added. Of course, in this regard, the state does not get enough. As a result, many states are adopting programs to attract resources to the workforce. They have a lot of jobs, they attract extra work, says the ex-minister. "But a person has the right to choose where she is the best." If there were conditions in Belarus, including a corresponding salary, then almost no one went to the same construction site in Siberia. Would work here. And they go where they pay more, where the conditions are better. </p>
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