Photo-made: the lydchanin found in the forest a huge podberezovik weighing 840 grams


According to "Lidskaïa Gazeta", a man is fond of quiet hunting. Despite the heat and the words of skeptics that there will be no mushrooms this year, the man went into the forest on weekends. Admittedly, I found only one mushroom, but what!

As the lucky one told reporters Lida, he found a podberezovik near Lipnishki village of Ivy district. He grew up simply in the grbad under the birches. The mushroom, it turned out, is not deworming, strong, with a wide wide hood and a thick stem. The podberezovik was weighed – the scales showed 840 grams. The family did not dare to eat it immediately, but brought it to the editorial staff of the local regional newspaper.

This is the first record this year. But Belarusians have found mushrooms and more. Thus, last year, a sixth of Gorok Dasha Malakhov found a record mushroom. In early September, she went with her grandmother to Nezhkovsky's Grove, then the girl saw a huge mushroom. As it turned out, he weighed 2 kilograms of 300 grams.

On the same bolus in September last year, and found a resident of Molodechno Sergei Ivanov and his son. He said, at first, he thought it was a stone.

– In height, it measured about 25 centimeters and weighed more than 2 kilograms. For the first time in my life, I saw a mushroom so big. And most importantly, he was without worms, absolutely clean, – he told the portal – And in harshness could give a long time to young loans, which I now have in the bucket.

Two years ago in the Kamenets district found a huge mushroom-raincoat weighing 5 kilograms

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