"Photos in Instagram sell better store." The girl invested $ 800 in the business on the balcony, and he started making profits


Life shows that contagious is not just a bad example. Masha helped his brother in his business and thought of him. As a result, I came with bracelets with motivational inscriptions. A small sentimental attribute, non-engagement of Instagram-daily life. I wanted to contact professionals to promote products, but I was afraid to drown myself in the proposed coffee and ineffective meetings. Yes, and spend a lot of money without mercy. As a result, I tried and did everything myself, now share my experience.

Good Steel

Masha has a brother. For seven years he has been working on the production of army tokens. Is successfully engaged. When the case was overclocking, I decided not to go far for the workers – I had to work my sister.

– When I leave, I can easily replace it. I can work on all machines. Facing operational work. True, a year and a half ago, she wanted independence as part of her project. The idea with bracelets was born. Well, bracelets and bracelets. And which ones? At first, it was not at all clear what design, what material. I thought about six months. As a result, the idea flew from America. There were sales bracelets similar to our current ones. The problem was only quality. They were made with such a coating that in a few months everything became dark and darkened. About 20 motivational phrases were applied to the bracelets, and the choice is limited to the given patterns

The Family Contract Finalized the Idea

– We Suggested that the Customer Choose the Engraved Text : memorable dates, names of children, same motivating and inspiring phrases. Then they started to deal with materials, chose the right steel, which gave a lifetime guarantee. My brother has invested in business. She started to work


Although she did not actually do it. The adventures began

– It was necessary to declare oneself and to be uncoordinated. The situation is strange. It seems that everyone in the city is talking about competition. On this basis, I conclude that people are interested in work. As a result, I come to specialists. I bring work, and they sit down and twist their noses or put up numbers that I want to think of as normality.

I first applied to a company that took care of branding: from development to logotype, name, packaging, clbadification. The guys agreed to help. Week, week, week – we lost time for discussion and unproductive meetings. In the end, it turned out that they will be able to properly take charge of our project in six months. Plus put a price tag of $ 3,000.

It was the summer. Masha started the season.

– The option is usually not great. I spent a month on people and I received nothing in return. Then there was a problem with the packaging. I turned to gay guys. They are all: "In short, we will do everything, Bring your bracelets, have a good day, come back, we will be happy to see you." – "And the money?" – "Well, we will calculate and the next day you will send." Two weeks have pbaded. She was worried: "So what?" – "Well, we can not process your project yet." And it's not so cheerful and affable. You do not have a "good day" or "come back" either. I respect every job and I do not speak for everyone, but there is a feeling that most people have work – holding meetings, exchanging business cards and drinking coffee. Such a professional "meeting".

Fifth iPhone

There were a few meetings, but they were inconclusive.

It became clear that it was better to leave your money with you and not rely on anyone. On the Internet, a website has been found where freelancers live. I wrote a technical mission. Like, you need a logo, here is the name, examples of works that you like. There was a guy who sent us an order the next night. No meetings were necessary.

The question also solved the packaging by themselves.

– We did not choose the boxes, but the bags. On independence there is a simple Soviet store "Fabrics". I took a skein of $ 10 per meter (it is now clear that it is expensive). I found a seamstress. Onliner.by, by the way. She made 200 bags. Dad applied logos: he has special equipment.

In early July of last year, the product had an empty Instagram. It had to be filled.

– I first wanted to find a photographer. She published in her account a cry: they say, photographers, write to the directive, the products must be pofotkat. She started looking for beautiful girls to pose

So many days have pbaded.

– Photographers did not agree on either style or money. Some were ready to fotkat for food. Someone put $ 50, someone – $ 300. As a result, my brother and I once again spit on all this and went to fotkat bracelets on the fifth iPhone. I went out in October: "Shop", Enzo, "Hooligan". I went, for the preserved handles and fotkalis. Then we went to Nemiga. We arrived home, the filters were taxed – everything turned out without attracting outside help.

Publication of the bracelet with engraving (@ take.it.bracelets)

From the "kontik"

Attached three photos. I started targeting ads.

– I wrote to Belarusian stars. She asked to place pictures with bracelets.

– In Belarus, there are stars?

– Celebrity … In general, people with a wide audience. And the people who responded, I'm grateful anyway. Everything has turned out. Money has not been offered to anyone. In the rest, the expenses in the first month were $ 800. But they quickly fought. Of course, lucky that my brother had a machine. It cost $ 5,000 and this investment has already paid off. The machine engraves the bracelets. If the equipment purchased, then judge by the current accounting, it would postpone spending for about six months.

The average spend on advertising in Instagram is $ 300 a month, for holidays (New Year, March 8, February 23) up to $ 1,000. ] – The main seller is the content. I've tried working with other social networks, but it soon became clear that there is Instagram, and if not – nothing. For the year I had only four orders of "kontik". Our bracelets do not have a website. Although I do not think it's necessary. We thought about the cooperation with the stores, but they asked for 20, 30, 50% – this is not profitable for us. That's why Instagram is the most appropriate trading platform for us. During the year, the audience reached 16,000 live subscribers. And they see your belongings. This is not a counter on which something can be missed.

On "alik"

Belarussians proved to be sentimental and began to actively buy bracelets with engraving.

– The couples ask Come On Forever. This is the most affected in such cases. One of the most popular phrases for the men's bracelet is Never Give Up. For a woman, probably too. My brother's brother, when he started, said: "Why do you put such a price when it is possible to get a much cheaper price on alik?"

] – I also read regularly in the comments that the price is too high, saying that this is usually the case. But it is a normal practice. I sell bracelets for $ 20 and give them a lifetime guarantee, so the price tag is adequate. I can not speak of the Belarusian fear of buying Belarusian. Just some people think that my bracelets are imported. But personally, I can easily sell Belarus to Belarus. 19659018] Of course, periodically there are "jambs".

– For example, when people order bracelets and coins. It was February 14th. The girl wrote that neither the guy nor the bracelets she did not need. But otherwise everything is fine. I give joy to people.

Cut, polish

To support the life of the business, it takes an average of over $ 1000: $ 300 – advertising, $ 800 – blanks. Plus postal services. Delivery of an order – 5 rubles

– There are 500 for each. We work The bracelets are entirely made in Belarus – from a raw metal sheet to a finished product. There is steel plate, we buy in the country. Then he is cut, polite. I engrave and shape. Receive orders, communicate with customers, manage Instagram, send, pack orders, it's me. Brother helps with advertising, father – with packaging. Take a lot of me, but I have already tried to work "on my uncle" and I really did not like it. Now, I do everything with love. And periodic processing is a payment for not having to report to someone.

Masha says that she learned a simple thing: to be normal, we must do it normally.

– Let's say you have a budget – three thousand. But it is not a fact that the availability of seed capital will lead to success. After months of campaigns on brand agencies, I realized it. Ideally, I would like to bring the business to a new level. Thoughts and ideas are there.

Metal working machines in the catalog Onliner.by

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