Platini testified on the choice of place for the Euro 2016 – Football Championship News – Football


On June 18, AP reported that Platini had been arrested on suspicion of corruption during the election of the venue for the 2022 World Cup. Lawyer William Bourdon called Platini to appear but officers from the department Central to the fight against corruption, financial and tax offenses have arrested the former UEFA president on his arrival.

"Michel Platini behaves calmly and answers all questions, including those relating to the selection process of Euro 2016, on which he provided useful explanations," said Alquier.

At the end of 2015, Platini, who was also vice-president FIFA has been removed by the Ethics Committee from football activities for eight years. The suspension was motivated by the transfer by FIFA's FIFA Director Joseph Blatter from 1998 to 2015 of 2 million Swiss francs (about € 1.7 million) of FIFA funds to Platini's accounts in 2011. By Following that, the FIFA Appeals Committee reduced Mr Platini's challenge to six years and in May 2016 the Court of Arbitration for Sport partially granted his appeal, reducing the four-year suspension period.

The suspension of Platini, 63, will expire this fall.

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