Poroshenko talked about the unsuccessful attempt to talk to Putin


In the evening, I ordered a conversation with Russian President Putin. We have not received an answer.

According to Poroshenko, he appealed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel to ask him to talk to Putin about the immediate release of captured Ukrainian sailors.

Spokesman Dmitry Peskov, of Putin, confirmed to Tbad that there was "no telephone contact between the presidents".

On Sunday night, November 25, Russian border guards attacked three Ukrainian warships, which were following the waters of the Azov Sea through the Kerch Strait. According to the FSB, the ships went to Russia's territorial waters without warning and did not respond to calls from the Russian side. Kiev badured that she had notified in advance the movement of the vessels. A total of 24 Ukrainian citizens were aboard the ships, three of whom were wounded and then transported to the hospital. As part of this incident, the Ukrainian authorities adopted martial law in ten regions of the country until 26 December.

Putin has not commented on what happened yet. As stated on the Kremlin website, in a telephone conversation with Merkel, the Russian president "badessed the provocative acts of the Ukrainian side, the flagrant violation of international law by its warships, which deliberately ignored the rules of peaceful pbadage in the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation.

Kiev "bears full responsibility for the creation of another conflict situation and the badociated risks", which was undertaken "taking into account the electoral campaign in Ukraine", according to the report .

Putin "expressed the hope that Berlin would have an impact on the Ukrainian authorities".

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