Pro bulb, nail and 3D printer


Denis Tsarenya – technical teacher at the gymnasium №6 of Minsk. Educational experience – 18 years old. He has received awards from the Minsk City Executive Committee and the President's Special Fund, co-authored the technical work manual for fifth grade students, and participated in the development of vocational training programs.

The prestige of the profession of teacher of the work is in our country under the base. The clbadic type of such a teacher has been perfected for decades. It is about a middle-aged man who drinks with a physical instructor, with narrow mind, mediocre vocabulary and jokes. He only knows how to swing a plane, hammer nails and use foul language. They make jokes about the Trudoviks, invent funny jokes in KVN. I joke with those jokes with everyone, realizing they did not come from scratch. But I really want the situation to change dramatically.

After all, basically, what does the worker teach the kids? It gives students very specific knowledge that will likely be useful to them in life and in the near future. Someone will want to repair the stool at home by himself, and someone, having worked with his hands, will finally determine that it is a pleasure for him and will choose a building specialty.

If we talk about the performance of a teacher, then the Trudovik should be among the first in the ranking of the most important. But this is not the case. Why Because very few people believe in reasonable Trudovans. It is thought that it is unlikely that a normal man will go to work at school. There are only low wages, problems and an impenetrable "despair".

We all seem to forget that, if "the man really normal", leaving his wife and children, goes abroad for a lot of money, someone must teach his sons to l & # 39; school.

What do we see now? If the teacher himself is not interested in the end result of his work, does not understand the purpose of his activity, just sit still at the time while playing an educational session on a smartphone and students walk to the office (I saw this example in one of the comments of the article on teachers of work) useless to all attempts of higher education organizations of change something for the better. After all, to be honest, in many schools, the work is not even led by specialists, but by history teachers, English, who have been relocated to headquarters.

It is very difficult to talk about the importance of the material if its value is perceived by all (students, parents and even teachers themselves) purely hypothetical.

And why do adults decide for their children? Do they need work as a subject in school or not? Has anyone asked what the students themselves think? Personally, I was interested. Yes, some people think it's easier to invite a master to do housework and that for that you do not have to learn how to do something yourself. The essential is to make a good living. And one of the answers was: "But in schools, scientists, mathematicians, linguists or historians are not trained. We receive a basic general education in all subjects. Maybe someone does not need knowledge in chemistry, biology or history of ancient Egypt. Cancel them too?

If the majority of parents think that work as a school subject is not necessary, because it takes time to prepare really important topics for the subsequent admission of their children to a school. 39, higher education, a natural question then arises: where should the so-called MASTERS come from? After all, if the child does not show what tools exist, does not explain how to use them and where to use them, the desire to become a person of the future who knows how to "screw a light bulb and drive a nail" will not manifest.

I say exaggerated about the bulb and the nail, because everyone understands that time does not stop, that new technologies appear and that the same cartridge bulbs are soon forgotten by all (by example, in my apartment, there are no more chandeliers for light bulbs). Yes, and the highlight in modern prefab homes where few are hammered. But that's not the question. And the fact that it is necessary to teach everything to children in schools, it is only now that there will simply be no one to teach them such an attitude of society with regard to the subject "Technical work".

It is the lessons of work that can become the most interesting and the favorite of the children if modern equipment appears in the clbadrooms (3D printer, numerical control router, engraver / laser cutter, etc.). "Investments in electronic infrastructure and education are essential to ensure the future competitiveness of each country's economy" is not a quote from the transcript of the meeting of the Assembly national, these are the words of Bill Gates.

What will change then? I want to give some examples of my teaching experience. Many of my students who have shown great interest in this subject are currently studying budget funds in the most prestigious specialties of the major universities in the country or have already completed them. And these are the guys who can not only solve complex math or engineering problems, but can also work well with their hands.

During work lessons, we work with students in 3D modeling programs and have created our own 3D printer and CNC router. Subsequently, the guys independently created their own 3D printer and CNC router, and I think this is a bright indicator that the teacher's work has not been in vain.

Will this knowledge be useful for students in life? I think the question is rhetorical. I have never heard anyone say: "I learned how to create a 3D printer and now I do not know what to do with this useless knowledge."

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