Public Watch Commission: Everyone wants to know what's going on with Kokorin and Mamayev behind bars – Premier League News – Football


Earlier, Mercacheva herself had stated that prison staff were unhappy with the fact that POC members and human rights defenders constantly visited the players.

Recall that the players were charged under Articles 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Beat" and the 213th "Hooliganism" for having participated in the attacks on Vitaly Solovchuk, driver of the first channel, Olga Ushakova, as well as officials of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Denis Pak and Sergey Gaysin. By decision of the Tverskoy District Court, Mamaev and Kokorin were placed in prison until 8 December.

– It is clear that when you come to SIZO, you ask the members of the PMC: "By which rooms and prisoners will we go? In Kokorin and Mamaev? "We answer," Well, yes. "

Of course, there is more attention for them, there is nothing to hide – characters interesting. Those who follow society and objectively there is a demand for information. Everyone wants to know, like Kokorin and Mamaev, what happens to them behind bars. You know, like they were planted so people could watch, somehow not only satisfy your curiosity, but the desire that players be punished. And the arrest itself is a punishment. (Arman Mkrtchyan).

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