Putin promised an increase in pensions in Russia


"This is a subject we are still discussing. We do not close the subject of accumulated pension funds – both private and public. We start from the fact that these funds must be organized in such a way that these benefits are clearly felt by those who transfer their funds to these pension funds, "said the President of the Russian Federation. He added that inflationary processes should not affect retirement savings. The President of the Russian Federation indicated that issues relating to the accumulation system could be discussed with members of the Russian Government and the Central Bank.

Earlier, during his September TV address, Putin said that over the next six years, the pensions of non-active pensioners would increase by an average of 1,000 rubles a year. For this reason, according to the head of state, the pension will increase from 14,000 to 144 rubles by 2024. up to 20 thousand rubles. per month. In addition, he proposed raising the retirement age.

Later in September, the State Duma pbaded a law on pension reform. According to him, men will retire at 65 and women at 60.

On November 22, the State Duma pbaded a law in third and final reading on the extension of the freeze of the funded part of the pension until 2021. The cumulative part of the pensions was frozen in 2014, but the "gel" has been extended several times. For four years, the "freeze" of the Russian budget has saved 2,000 billion rubles.

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