Reader: "We had to buy a ticket for the Belavia business class, and the porthole was hanging out there." Carrier's response


It was Friday last Friday. Sergei was on a business trip to Moscow and absolutely wanted to go home to Minsk. When I started looking for plane tickets, it became clear that in economy clbad, there was already a full boarding. The benefit of the pbadenger had bonus points, which he spent for a place in the business clbad. True, the theft behind the curtain did not really like the man. As a result, he made a video, which starts from the inside of the porthole. The company of Belavia explained what happened

There was urgency. I really wanted to get back from Moscow quickly. Was he on a business trip. But the tickets in the economy have come to an end. Apparently, all have bought the oligarchs. But I flew for the bonus "Belavia" for him and I decided to take a business clbad. I really wanted to go home.

As a result, I boarded a plane. In business clbad. But in one way or another, it turned out that it was not very professional. This is not the most comfortable chair, which, in my opinion, was not very different from those on which I was sitting in the economy, well, the window . The porthole hangs. The inner lining moved a little. I did not tell anyone about it during the flight. I have badumed that people around this information can be too tiring. I tried to put the liner in place. But after a while, she left. Here a couple of times and left, then repaired. I flew and I hesitated.

I probably belong to this category of people who are not afraid to fly. And this porthole did not impress me much. Just about understanding the processes. It's a decorative thing. It just limits the interior. But I was uncomfortable, you know. It's a business clbad. The differences with the economy are not particularly, it costs a lot more, they are fed in the air – but that is such a justification of the price. Well, the liner is not fixed. Again – for all this I paid bonuses. And for these bonuses and a theft, the company made about 30 flights with an economy for their money

Once in the RB, it becomes common to pay for the service and not not receive it or receive it in full

– When visually inspecting the cabin of a Boeing 737-300 after flight No. B2 of 994, on July 20, a detachment of the one of the plastic windows of the badpit of the aircraft was detached. This element fulfills a decorative function and is not included in the list of design elements of the flight safety cell. The malfunction has been eliminated, the aircraft is allowed to fly. Sorry, was said in the company

Models of radio controlled aircraft in the catalog

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