Report of the seller's garden with the "Komarovka": "We had the habit of cultivating this for decoration, but now it has turned out that people are paying money to eat "


It was Thursday. We drove along the bumpy roads of Vasilinka village to a good grbad supplier. Vitali met in Minsk "Komarovka". He can try to allocate production among the offers of dozens of other sellers. And he also says that he cultivates everything on his own plot. So we asked to visit us.

Vitaly is at home Thursday (as at the official market Monday)

– I do not go consciously to the market on Thursdays, because there is always work on the site, it is necessary to prepare for the weekend.

Vitali and his wife Natalia have about half a hectare of land near Slutsk. Very good land, said the farmer? an entrepreneur? a peasant? farmer? It seems that no word exactly describes "agriculture".

– We started farming since 2005, – remembers Vitaly. – They just wanted to make money. We think: but let's raise a bow and let it go to the Slutsk cannery, where Natasha was working then. Have put in the first year. And the second decided that it was better to take a green feather and bring it to Minsk. Then we set up early potatoes – up to 15 varieties were planted. We went one day to the Zhdanovichi wholesale market, seized dill. It has turned out that fennel on the market is rare – the price for that has gone up to $ 20 a kilo. We bought Polish electronic scales (before some pores weighed on the pointer like potatoes) and decided that greens are better than potatoes. Costs more, weighs less.

The entire farm is broken on the territory of Natalia's parents.

– Many people in the market think I buy green vegetables somewhere and I sell them. Have you seen how many volumes? A bundle of that, a bunch of this. And I've turned off the time, the meter is not enough. In fact, I often buy this for resale. There is darkness around darkness, mainly wholesalers with greenhouses. Why in Slutsk? Good land, excellent logistics and warmer climate. We planted radish in the second round at the end of May, when the campaign was not planted for the first time. Well, the people here … if half of the Jews, or workaholics, – adds Vitaly.

Economically Perfect Garden

Vitali and Natalia's vegetable garden is now an ideal economic model. Each bed is calculated by the ratio of the area and the profit to be extracted: salads, radishes, carrots, dill with parsley, arugula, spinach … All the details of this designer change, something is sown as necessary and required. A bad year can not be. If something has not risen, there will be more than one else.

Here, for example, among the growing profits that aphids have taken and the losses have increased.

– We were not lucky with this bed of spinach. At first, the crop did not increase at all. And the second attacked aphids. Now we are feeding the chickens. We do not grow grbad in any way, – villagers do not cry less than $ 1000. – This is the expected loss. In the spring, spinach also broke with hail. Sold 5 rubles instead of 8. And what to do?

The rows of arugula and radish are covered with spunbond – for the same protection against gnats. It's the second or the third harvest.

– The rucola is juicier if it is covered. We sow regularly because it grows instantly. About ten years ago, they were put on the market for the first time in Malinovka – they gave it away for free so people could try it. Then they started selling. Now, of course, everything is simpler. People on the Internet are browsing fast. Wedge is no longer necessary to distribute.

The history of kayl (this cabbage) is almost ridiculous. Natalia says that she used to grow it as an ornamental plant, and it turned out that people for Kale smoothies are willing to pay for it. The demand has exceeded the offer ten times!

The dessert corn grows at the end of the garden. The owner says that last year was sweet, "already disgusting". Price – 2 rubles for the ear.

The most beautiful beds – with salads.

– Summer, lettuce, iceberg, romen, – Vitaly list. – Almost as on Dutch advertising. Lettuce is already ready – it is better for young people to eat, it is growing quickly. A good romance can reach 2 kilograms, but not in our climate, of course. We are going to wrap this garden bed three times

From an economic point of view, the most profitable, Vitaly, considers rocket, salad and carrots

– Everything is profitable. Earlier, we took a ton and a half to two tons of dill. Now, about the same number of salads are grown. I do not think that there are labor costs for fertilizers – only manure … It turns out that the biggest expense is the seeds. A bag of Dutch salad seeds of one grade (and I have a dozen) costs more than 100 rubles. It's more than enough for a year, maybe even staying on second, but not the fact that they'll go up. From the Belarusian selection only potatoes and a little onion "Vetraz" is a delicious green onion, but a very weak presentation, especially in the second half of the season

"How do you live with it? if she can not choose parsley? Five days a week, Vitaly gets up until six o'clock in the morning, loads the greens harvested yesterday in a minivan and goes to the Komarovsky market

– It is impossible to take everything, because there is not enough space on the counter.Therefore, zucchini go mainly to food, pepper – yourself, such as cucumbers and apples Earth – I push them a little.

Vitaly calls the cucumbers "the taste of childhood." But the price is not childish.While the counters are filled with "fontanel" cheaper than 1.5 rubles a kilo, our host puts 5.

– They are not the most beautiful, white. s true, in the ground, and not in the greenhouses. It's not so much merchant, maybe with bitterness, but to taste – a real cucumber, as it was in childhood. The same story with tomatoes. 12 rubles, of course, put on greed, but for 7, it is quite realistic to sell.

In general, the question of prices on the market is open. Nobody admits that it is expensive to simply say "because money is needed".

– Of course, we look at the prices of the neighbors, but most importantly, how many goods do you have in stock and how fast you should sell them. For example, prices for "Ipeshnikov", which are further down the ranks, are higher. Grandmothers are cheaper. But from where they have that, it is not clear. Most of them are engaged in resale, do not grow.

Vitali admits that "Komarovka" has been heavily pumped in recent years. But there are "nuances" – the owner of a place for 460 rubles a month speaks with caution of them.

– I work with my products, that's why I only answer for that. The market is a market. Of its many, only tablets with price tags.

– Do merchants communicate with each other or not before friendship?

– Yes, everything is fine. My neighbors are good. I moved away, my sales, and vice versa. But it is now, and before the neighbor was a bitch. I was sitting on a bribe and blushing at me. I had to speak harshly.

– Many do not like the market because of deception and obsession.

– Well, there is enough. Especially in terms of freshness. I do not know what to advise in this case. If the seller exchanges his, there is nothing to check and suspect. I will sell you badly today – tomorrow you will not come back. How to bring the seller to the clean water? Only by trial and error

– Cast unsold at the end of the day?

– Usually does not stay. At the end of the day, you double the price – that's all. And a package as a gift

– So you can come late in the day for cheap purchases?

– Come, there can be nothing. The Market

– Why is the design of places not similar to the way it is traded in Europe?

– We are not allowed to leave the window for the night. Ipshnikam is possible. Therefore, I can not spend two more hours on the calculation.

In general, it is a contentious issue. It seems to me, we are in vain put us in store conditions: the same aprons, the same price tags. I've done additional information on plates – at least one variety. It's the same market! It's beautiful because everything is different.

– Is it possible to haggle with you?

– If a person trades politely, then … I do not send anyone (you can not send). But I can say: pbad, if I have bad products. The woman came a few days ago. And whenever she moaned. I prefer to throw it rather than sell it. And if your person is polite, then why not make a discount or round off. No problem. This always turns out to be profitable. But few people negotiate if we honestly consider the quality / price ratio

– Why does not everyone try to choose, and so on.

– This is our hereditary trade roughness, probably. But there was also a case for me, the people of the neighborhood were even surprised. I said loudly: go, do not touch, I put it to you. This happened when the buyer came a second time, making a circle, and again began searching the bow. It's disrespectful, I could not stand it. We also have consumer extremism, you know … And these are old people. I do not remember if I was arguing or swearing with young people

– The biggest of your conflicts?

– I can tell my husband: she chooses the greens so long? "If I feel this person with a sense of humor.In a joke.If not, it is not a conflict.And if a man is stupid, with what can he swear?

The income is good, but there is a nuance

The calendar year of the seller of greenery is divided into two seasons: worker and couch

– Now the season declines.The heat in the spring.All are sold two Once again, people were hungry for green vegetables and vitamins, and in the middle of the summer they get colder, they grow up in their dacha, so we plant less or sell We are going to work up to the first snow, then keep the couch until spring.

I like to relax at the sanatorium at that time, my wife leaves The house next door in the village was bought, which seems to be enough, and this year we have already had a very good But there is a condition.

In May-June, I had a thousand hours of work. It's much more than normal. In this case, it is necessary to work without breaks in the rain and in the heat. And I have slept 360 hours, so do not be envious. They say it's easy, usually those who have not worked.

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