RUSADA leader: We should not be afraid of what we discover – Olympic News


"We should not be afraid of what we discover. More importantly, how do we react to that? We must respond in a consistent and principled way. The purpose is not to to somebody Something Prove, but show our society and our athletes, especially beginners, that doping is unacceptable, "Ganus said, quoted by the AP.

On September 20, the Executive Committee of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) reinstated the full status of RUSADA, whose Russian organization was deprived in November 2015.

According to the decision of the WADA Executive Committee, the Russian side should provide access to data from the Moscow Anti-Doping Lab by December 31, 2018. On Wednesday, a delegation of experts from WADA came to Moscow and met the Russian side with the Sports Minister of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov.

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