Russia is seen in the conduct of "hybrid wars" and misinformation


German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the meeting and talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States, noting that they are the leaders of the nuclear powers.

  Angela Merkel. Photo: DW
Angela Merkel. Photo: DW

"When negotiations are underway, it's good for everyone," Merkel said Friday, July 20 at the annual summer press conference. She recalled that the Russian president has not been in the United States since 2015 and said that it would be fair to continue the meetings of the leaders of the United States and Russia

after the summit of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki. Washington in the fall of 2018 and instructed his adviser John Bolton to address this issue.

Asked about the relationship between Germany and the United States, she said that the United States is an important partner. "We do not always have the same opinions, but we have to resolve conflicts," said Merkel.

Russia and the hybrid wars

Russia is seen in the conduct of so-called hybrid wars and misinformation. In response, information should be provided on the actual situation and the motivated data, added the Chancellor. In the "Lisa girl's business" case and the history of the soldiers of the Bundeswehr of Lithuania, the German Chancellor launched a propaganda campaign around a 13-year-old girl from Berlin, allegedly raped by refugees, from a family of German immigrants. Later, it turned out that this story was false and that Lisa was hiding from the house of her parents from a friend.

In February 2017, German soldiers deployed in Lithuania were deliberately accused of raping a local girl. Then it was noted that the technique of false anonymous message strongly resembles the story of "Lisa girl".

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