Russia leaves the World Cup. All decided on a series of sanctions


Sochi is now dark nights, but without football. Who belongs to the World Cup, at least. Everything ended with a match between Russians and Croats. The best champions of the tournament (two semi-finals, a match for third place and the final) will be seen by St. Petersburg and Moscow. Teams from France, Belgium, England and Croatia will participate. The last participant was determined right in Sochi. It was intense and dramatic.

The first Saturday played the English and the Swedes. The Swedes believed only the Swedes and the antagonists of the British. But the guys from Britain have won. Their all – Harry Kane – did not score, did not manage to update the record for the duration of the scoring series in the team. But there were other goleadors.

2: 0. England for the first time since 1990 was in the semifinals of the World Cup.

– Being the coach of England is the pride. And third in history, which brought the team to the semi-finals of the World Cup … It's a privilege for me. The real happiness! – said at a press conference, the head coach of England Gareth Southgate.

Let's enjoy the man. Truly. He has a cool team and a cool jacket (by the way, because of the stylish coach in England they started a boom).

Another enviable subject of the wardrobe is the leggings of the Russian national team in the color of the national flag. In them, guys Stanislav Cherchesova went to the field "Fisht". If we do not know where this name comes from, then in translation of the Adyghe language, the word means "whitehead".

Russians and Croats started and spent a lot of time in the fight that occupied the center of the field. But after suddenly cleared up. Denis Cheryshev (the only legionary among the field players in the hosts) beat Artem Dzyuba and so gave on the left that the goalkeeper of the Croats did not even move. The ball flew into the "nine", the midfielder flew to rejoice. A very tasty goal.

It is true that happiness was not super-long and ended enigmatically. Mario Mandzhukich fell to the door of Igor Akinfeev of the left flank and found the head of Andrei Kramarich exactly. Around the attacker were five Russians. Here are five. Sci-Fi.

The second difficult moment has come. And then and overtime. It seemed like they were beating a penalty. Russia and Croatia have already made it in the playoffs. The Russians have defeated the Spaniards. And the Croatians of the Danes.

But suddenly the Croatian corner led to the goal of the Besiktas defender "Domagoya Species". Russia seemed to be sad, and it was thought that she would be deflated.

True, one Ossetian (Cherchesov) released another Ossetian (Dzagoeva, injured in the first match of the tournament and only recently recovered), and he decided. CSKA midfielder found his team mate Mario Fernandez (Brazilian naturalized). The score was 2: 2.

Still, they started beating the penalties … It proved preferable for the Croats.

France and Belgium, as well as England and Croatia will play in the semifinals. ] Our channel in Telegram.

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