Russia urged Britain to clarify work in progress at Porton Down Chemical Laboratory


The United Kingdom should explain what work is going on at the Porton Down Chemistry Laboratory and why toxic substances are "working" in the country. This was announced by the head of the Russian delegation Georgy Kalamanov at the 88th session of the OPCW Executive Council on Tuesday

  closed area in the city of Amesbury. Photo: Reuters
The closed area in the city of Amesbury. Photo: Reuters

"Four months after the Salisbury incident, which touched the Russians Julia and Sergei Skripal, the situation of the investigation did not dissipate", did he declares. "The inability of the United Kingdom to cooperate with the Russian Federation to conduct a joint investigation, the inadmissibility of Russian diplomatic representatives to our citizens despite all the diplomatic and consular conventions, the relentless attempts of the United Kingdom to manipulate the conclusions of the OPCW. "

from the completion, according to Amesbury, he just started, "noted Kalamanov." Again, as in the case of the Fiddles, some requests sound rather than specific information. "

As an example, he quotes Sadjid Javid, the head of the British Ministry of the Interior, who asks the Russian authorities to explain clearly what happened. "And how does Russia can she explain what is happening in a country very far from us, if the British themselves can not say anything about it? ", asks Kalamanov:" It is time that the British authorities finally explain, what works are carried out in the laboratory of Porton Daun, center for protection against chemical weapons, where the same toxic chemical product, which belongs to all the new neurotoxic agents studied in Western countries, called "Newcomer" . "It is necessary for the United Kingdom to report to the OPCW why they are poisoned in the country."

Britain's Don Sturges, 44, and his mate Rowley, 45, were hospitalized June 30 in Amesbury, Wiltshire. state, and later led the Scotland Yard investigation came with the statement that they were exposed to the "novice", the same nerve agent, which in March, reportedly, was poisoned by Scrappies. So London put the blame for this on Moscow. Russia categorically rejected statements on its involvement in the incident.

In the evening of July 8, Sturges died and Rowley continued to be in critical condition at the Salisbury City Hospital, although he regained consciousness

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