Russian banks under the sanctions allowed to hide the shareholders


Organizations authorized to disguise the names of the shareholders will have to transfer all the data to the Central Bank and explain why they have decided not to disclose this information. Thus, the government seeks to protect the interests of organizations subject to sanctions, says the document.

The relevant amendments to the legislation were approved at the end of 2017. They introduced a regulation under which the government determines in which situations the information to be disclosed can not be disclosed or disclosed in a limited way. New amendments have expanded the list of cases where organizations can hide information about shareholders. At present, this can be done if sanctions are imposed on the bank, as well as persons under the control or influence of which banks are participating in the deposit insurance system, as well as in the event that sanctions are imposed. to the credit institution or to the members of its board of directors.

Today, the sanctions are: Sberbank, Vnesheconombank, VTB, VTB 24, Gazprombank, Agricultural Bank and others.

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