Russian lost three children in the Belarusian forest and UAZ


Tonight at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, colleagues from the Ministry of the Interior reported that children near the village of Aleshkovka, in Loevo District, lost their children in the forest. A UAZ car was also searched by a man from Belomorsk, Belorussia (a town located in Karelia, about 2000 km from Loev). "Around 18:00 on July 14, a man in a car" Patriot "UAZ with three children (from 4 to 8 years old) arrived in a forest near the village of Aleshkovka, – The rescuers give a provisional version of development of events – In order to find the best place to camp, the father decided to ride a bike, leaving the children in the car, but lost himself in the forest.After leaving the forest near the village of Dimamerki , he reported the lost children to the police. "

Workers in the regional departments for emergency and home affairs immediately undertook a quest. At 04:35, 3 km from the village of Aleshkovka, an employee of EMERCOM found a car and children. They did not need medical help. The Ministry of Emergency Situations reiterated once again that children can not be left at home or in the forest unattended

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