Samsung smartphones called the most problematic in 2018


Blancco, who works in the field of data security, published a report outlining failure rates among smartphones from leading manufacturers from January to April of this year. This is reported by the PhoneArena resource.

  Source: PhoneArena "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 1067 "data-x-src =" 1 / samsung-galaxy- x-to-arrive-in-january-galaxy-s10-en-february.jpg "data-x-width =" 1600 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: // img / 720x720s / n / it / 05/1 / samsung-galaxy-x-to-come-in-january-galaxy-s10-in-february.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data- zoom = "1" height = "480" hspace = "0" src = " to arrive-in january-galaxy-s10-en-february.jpg "title =" Source: PhoneArena "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Source: PhoneArena </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The highest failure rate (failure rate) was found in Samsung devices – 27.4%. This is the worst indicator in comparison with other manufacturers. For comparison: Xiaomi was the second with a result of 14.2%, the third – Motorola (9.6%), the fourth – Huawei (8.4%). </p>
<p>  Among Apple's iOS devices, the higher the high failure rate belongs to the iPhone 6 (22%), followed by the iPhone 6s (16%). Overall, 15.2% of devices with iOS operating system were down during the year, Android gadgets – 18.9%. </p>
<p>  Blanccco also noted that 74.3% of iOS devices operate on the last eleventh version of the system. 52% of Android gadgets are based on the seventh version of Nougat (with the current Android 8.1 Oreo). </p>
<p>  The problems with iOS devices were mainly related to the work of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. In Android devices, this is a problem with the overall performance, but the operation of the cameras, microphones and the battery charge. At the same time, the performance issues in the first quarter of this year had 34% of Android gadgets compared to 10% for the same period last year. </p>
<p>  <strong> See how many popular smartphones we have: </strong></p>
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