SBU released Russian pilot negotiations during the Kerch Strait incident


The SBU announced the interception of conversations between the crews of the Russian Su-30 aircraft and the Ka-52 helicopter with command and control points. The security service of Ukraine said the negotiations proved "the planned aggression of Russia" against the Ukrainian navy ships in the Kerch Strait on November 25. The interception of conversations was made public Thursday at a briefing in Kiev, reports the press service of the department.

"These negotiations leave no doubt that Russian military leaders have deliberately ordered the use of weapons against Ukrainian ships," SBU deputy chief Oleg Frolov said.

Conflict in the Kerch Strait

On November 25, the Russian FSB reported that border guards had used weapons against Ukrainian warships Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yana Kapu, allegedly violating the state border. The Ukrainian side announced an act of aggression on the part of Russia.

According to Ukraine, six sailors were injured, the Russian side talks about three Ukrainian soldiers injured during the conflict, they are in the hospital.

The President of Ukraine called on the leaders of the Russian Federation to demand the release of Ukrainian seamen and ships. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the incident in the sea of ​​Azov was a provocation on the side of Ukraine. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Petro Poroshenko, in the current situation, had no chance of winning the presidential elections in Ukraine or even entering the second round, she added. . A provocation was therefore applied in the Kerch Strait. Vladimir Putin also called the actions of Ukraine provocation related to the upcoming presidential elections.

On November 26, the Verkhovna Rada supported the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. The President of the country, Petro Poroshenko, was at the origin of these measures.

On 28 November, all sailors arrested following the incident in the Kerch Strait on 26 November were arrested in Crimea. For two months, 24 people were arrested.

On November 29, Poroshenko called on NATO countries to send ships to the sea of ​​Azov.

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