Showers and a strong wind. Tuesday, the orange danger level is announced


Forecasters also announced an orange level on Tuesday, July 17. Earlier due to heavy rains, a storm warning was issued Monday.

  Photo: Stanislav Korshunov "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 803 "data-x-src =" "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 481 "data-y-src =" n / regiony / 08 / f / brest_liven_2018_8.jpg " data-y-width = "720" zoom-data = "1" height = "482" hspace = "0" src = " 720x720s / n / regiony / 08 / f / brest_liven_2018_8 .jpg "title =" Photo: Stanislav Korshunov "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Stanislav Korshunov </figcaption></figure>
<p>  On July 16th and 17th, in most of the territory, thunderstorms are expected, in places of heavy rain. In the day in some areas – hail, gusts of wind amplification squall up to 15-20 m / s. </p>
<p>  Thunderstorms are expected in Minsk, during the day in the places of the city. </p>
<p>  A fog may be weak in places. The minimum temperature of the night air will be +14 … 20 ° C, the maximum temperature of the day is +22 … 28 ° C </p>
<p>  In recent days, heavy rains have caused floods in Brest, Baranovichi, Minsk and in other cities. Meteorologists predict an unstable weather this week </p>
<p>  Tips on how not to suffer during bad weather look here. </p>
<p> – service with adaptive design. Find weather forecasts for all regions of Belarus on any device! </p>
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