Simultaneously increased the price. MARCH accused chicken farmers in price collusion


The Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade is investigating the simultaneous increase in prices of poultry meat in Belarus. This was announced yesterday by Deputy Minister Ivan Vezhnovets on the TV channel "Belarus 1"

MART explains that in June-July prices of poultry meat have increased significantly. At the same time, the ministry claims that growth has been at the expense of producers, because with the same trade margins, manufacturers have increased the price and canceled previous rebates. For individual commercial objects, the price of poultry meat has increased to 28%.

– Thus, the largest poultry producers, their number of seven, behave with one hand. The others, who do not occupy a large share of the market, have risen to the leaders' hands and raised prices to about the same level, noted Ivan Vezhnovets. He pointed out that there were no objective factors to raise producer prices at this level

– Such a punctual increase in prices without objective reasons presents all the signs of price increases. collusion on prices. Therefore, this week we issued an appropriate order and launched an anti-monopoly investigation against the biggest producers. To date, it is not necessary to talk about the existence of a violation – the investigation is just beginning, added the Deputy Minister. – By law, an antitrust investigation for data collection can last up to three months. But, given the social responsibility and the need to solve the problem as quickly as possible, we will try to speed up the investigation.

According to Ivan Vejnovets, if the violation is revealed, the documents will be brought to justice. A fine can represent 10% of the annual sales income of the whole bird.

Have you noticed a rise in chicken prices?

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