Sister Yulia Skripal spoke about her appeal to parents in Russia


According to Victoria Skripal, her cousin called to congratulate her grandmother on her birthday. She noted that her father can not speak because he has a tracheostomy.

  Photo: Reuters "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https: // img. "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: //img.tyt.jpg / 720x720s / n / reuters / 05/9 / rts1swi0-yuliya_skripal. jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // /rts1swi0-yuliya_skripal.jpg "title =" Photo: Reuters "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Julia Skripal. Photo: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Julia Skripal Victoria, a cousin of the poisonous neurotoxic agent Julia Skripal Victoria, said that Julia had called her parents in Russia to congratulate her grandmother on the occasion of her 90th birthday </p>
<p>  Julia called her mobile phone and, before putting the phone on, she asked me to tell her what my grandmother knew about what had happened. According to Victoria, they had a quiet conversation, not on a high pitch and Julia had previously wanted to know that she could talk to her grandmother about poisoning. </p>
<p>  "She knows that you live in Moscow and that everything is fine for you.You can say that you stole from your father, daddy to the hospital and that you poisoned in the restaurant, so you did not communicate, said Victoria to her sister </p>
<p>  Julia noticed that her father Sergei Skripal could not call, that he had a tracheotomy, because of which it was difficult for him to speak. "He is very hoarse and since she does not understand [бабушка] she does not understand who is calling, because there will be rattles, and he speaks very quietly, "says Victoria to her sister. </p>
<p>  After having spoke with her grandmother Julia told Victoria that she had access to the internet and she read everything the media wrote about her poisoning.In addition, according to Victoria Skripal, Julia said: "J & I understood everything. I am sorry. "</p>
<p>  At the beginning of March, a former GRU employee, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Julia in the British city of Salisbury were unconscious in the street, hospitalized in critical condition, and later British authorities announced that they had been poisoned with the nerve agent "Novice", which was being developed in Russia.The responsibility for what happened in London has extended to Moscow has repeatedly refuted all accusations. </p>
<p>  Currently, Sergei and Julia Skripal have already been released from the hospital.After being released, Julia Skripal said that she refused to accept her. Russian diplomats and his sister Victoria had asked him to stop visiting him </p>
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