Sketch Sheet with a secret delighted to netizens


The user shared the photo under the pseudo rocotaco42. "When a teacher says you can bring a 3 × 5 handwritten card to the test," he signed the photo.

The crib contained two layers of text. The first was written in blue ink, the second – in red. With the help of clear plastic plates of blue and red color, the student could hide unnecessary parts of the text.

The resourcefulness of an unknown student delighted Internet users. In just a few hours, the post has received over a hundred thousand "I love". Commentators began to remember cases in which they or their friends had fooled the examiners.

According to one of the users, during his school years, his clbadmate wrote a small aide-mémoire. To decipher her, she used her mother's needle glbades – they served as an enlarger. "It was great," he said. When the same girl had several days to prepare a written essay, she wrote it home and memorized it.

Another user agreed that memorization is an effective way to prepare. According to him sometimes for the purpose of an excellent evaluation, he has recalled four sheets of text in French. However, he noted, this knowledge quickly disappears: "Then I got my high school diploma and I can not even count anymore. in French at ten o'clock, he said.

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