Source: Second Poseidon submarine aircraft carrier to launch in spring 2020


The second regular carrier of the uninhabited uninhabited submarine aircraft Poseidon, the Khabarovsk nuclear submarine, will be launched in the spring of 2020. The submarine is expected to be transferred to the fleet in 2022. This was announced Tuesday source Tbad in defense industry complex.

"The second regular carrier of Poseidon, the Khabarovsk submarine (project 09851), is expected to be launched in the spring of 2020," the agency source said.

He clarified that the transfer of the Navy "Khabarovsk" after the completion of all tests is expected in 2022.

"Poseidon's ammunition in Khabarovsk will be six vehicles," the source said.

TASS has no official confirmation provided by the information source.

The submarine "Khabarovsk" was laid in July 2014. The submarine, like the first carrier of uninhabited undersea submarine vehicles Poseidon – the Belgorod nuclear submarine (project 09852) – was developed by the Central Bureau of Naval Design "Rubin" (St. Petersburg). On the technical data of the boat today is not known. The submarine "Belgorod" was launched in Sevmash (Severodvinsk) on 23 April. It is planned to transfer it to the fleet by the end of next year.

Poseidon devices created in the Russian Federation have a nuclear power plant and are capable of reaching a depth of more than 1 km over an unlimited range. Underwater drones can be armed with a nuclear warhead.

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