State Border Committee: "38 other Russians have returned from Kiev to Minsk"


After learning that martial law was being introduced in parts of Ukraine (it officially started operating on November 28th), 12 citizens of the Russian Federation returned from Kiev to Minsk, then 35 other people. According to the Belarusian Borders Committee, the number of Russians who could not go to Ukraine and who returned to Minsk has reached 85.

– In two days, 47 citizens of the Russian Federation have returned from Kiev to Minsk, – Anton Bychkovsky, official representative of the State Border Committee, told Onliner. – This applies to the evening flight of yesterday and to the three flights of today. At the same time, we have no information about the Russians returned from the flights of the airline "UIA": it is not known yet whether the citizens of the Russian Federation were on these flights. With regard to the land crossings, there is no particularity with regard to the pbad of the citizens of Belarus and other countries. We follow the situation.

The National Border Service of Ukraine does not yet confirm the information regarding the number of Russians returned from Kiev to Minsk.

– We have no information from the Belarusian Border Committee, – said Onliner. – For now, we can only say why it could have happened. A person crossing the border of Ukraine and arriving in the country must have a certain set of documents. Including a document confirming the purpose of arrivals in the country. It is possible that these people can not confirm the purpose of their arrival. And given the recent events in the country, border guards emphasize it. This applies to all foreign citizens, not just the citizens of the Russian Federation.

Recall yesterday, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed a decree on the introduction of martial law in the country on the basis of the decision of the Council of National Security and Defense of the & # 39; 39; Ukraine. This document has been approved by the Verkhovna Rada. The situation will be valid from 28 November to 28 December 2018 in areas bordering Russia and Transnistria.

The Belarussian Foreign Ministry does not comment on the situation in Ukraine.

– With regard to the Belorussian-Ukrainian border crossing by Belarusian citizens, we can not yet formulate specific recommendations, as we are waiting for documents from the Ukrainian side, – Said in the comments Onliner.


– From 10 am on November 27 to 10 am on November 28, the Ukrainian side did not fail to miss 38 citizens of the Russian Federation. They returned from Kiev to Minsk, of which 25% were transported by foreign air carriers, – An official representative of the State Border Committee, Anton Bychkovsky, told – The non-admissions of group of citizens of the Russian Federation who follow in the territory of Ukraine are only connected to the airports of the capital. Refusal or return of citizens of the Russian Federation from other international airports served by a flight while there were neither 26, 27 nor 28. There was no no such facts at the terrestrial crossing points.

– The return or non-admission of foreigners within its territory is the responsibility and the right of the border authorities of any country. The Ukrainian side acts within the framework of its legislation, – added Bychkovsky.

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