Strange facts of Franz Kafka's life


The author of strange works and life lived a strange – and short. However, by studying Kafka's biography, one can understand how in his head all these incredible but frightening and desperate worlds were born.

  Franz Kafka in 1907. Photo: "border =" 0 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 467 "hspace =" 0 "src =" / n / kultura / 10/2 /franc_kafka.jpg "title =" Franz Kafka in 1907. Photo: "vspace =" 0 "width =" 350 "/>

<figcaption> Franz Kafka in 1907. Photo: </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Writer <strong> Franz Kafka </strong> was born on July 3, 1883 in Prague, Austria-Hungary. His works – "Castle", "Process", "Transformation" – are imbued with absurdity and fear of the world. Such was the life of the writer himself. </p>
<h2>  1. The beloved and hated homeland </h2>
<p>  Franz Kafka was born in Prague into a Jewish family, rooted in the genus <strong> Pariah </strong>. This family has given the world many famous rabbis. Kafka nationality was a big problem – in Prague, at that time, there were often Jewish pogroms. "All day, I've been on the streets, bathed in anti-Jewish hatred," Kafka said in a letter, saying the only way out was the city's escape. "Blood of Poganaya, so when I called the Jews," he writes. And then he thinks: It would be natural to leave the place where you are so hated, but he remains, equating his "heroism" with the heroism of the badroach, which can not be eradicated from the bathroom. The absurdity of the situation was also that the Czech Jew wrote in German, which most people hated in the Czech Republic. </p>
<p>  Moreover, Kafka even became a symbol of Prague, a city he loved, but identified it with the evil that aspired him. him all the strength. As one of the prose German writers wrote after Kafka's death, he was lucky enough to die so soon of tuberculosis and not see how his brothers were sent to camps, burned alive and buried alive in mbad graves </p>
<h2>. He became the author of … helmets </h2>
<figure clbad=  Franz Kafka at the age of five. Photo: "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 1200 "data-x-src =" "data-x-width =" 761 "data-y-height =" 720 "data-y-src =" " data-y-width = "456" data-zoom = "1" height = "551" hspace = "0" src = " .jpg "title =" Franz Kafka at the age of five. Photo: "vspace =" 0 "width =" 350 "/>

<figcaption> Franz Kafka at the age of five. Photo: </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Franz has always been torn between writing and jurisprudence. As he wrote, all that is related to non-literature seems to him completely meaningless, useless, empty. But the despotic father forced his oppressed son and fearing to study for a lawyer and even get a doctorate in jurisprudence. After receiving a brilliant education, Kafka sets up to work as a modest employee of the insurance company. He hated his job, but considering duty, what are the cases on construction sites and in the industry, he invented and introduced a hard helmet for the workers. For which he received a commemorative prize of the city. </p>
<h2>  3. Hated meat </h2>
<p>  Despite the fact that Kafka's grandfather was a butcher, the writer himself became a vegetarian. He was frightened by the carcbades of dead animals, whose very sight plunged Kafka into another depression. As the researchers write, in the Kafka family everything was distinguished by its giant growth. It is said that the grandfather [JakobKafka</strong> a butcher in Vossek, could take a sack of flour with his teeth. In this family everyone was great, even Franz's sisters. And he himself was ashamed of his great size, because of which he did not feel strong, but sickly, clumsy and funny. The author was suffering from hypotension, headaches, migraines, insomnia, constipation and was very shy about his body. </p>
<h2>  Fear of Women </h2>
<figure clbad=  The first page of Kafka's letter to his father. Photo: "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 786 "data-x-src =" "data-x-width =" 500 "data-y-height =" 720 "data-y-src =" " data-y-width = "458" data-zoom = "1" height = "550" hspace = "0" src = " .jpg "title =" The first page of Kafka's letter to his father. Photo: "vspace =" 0 "width =" 350 "/>

<figcaption> The first page of Kafka's letter to his father. Photo: </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Kafka's relationship with women was more than weird. Despite the fact that the writer fell in love very often, he was afraid of women. Until 26 years old was a virgin. Kafka will write about her first pbadion in a diary: "At the inn, my girlfriend is innocently allowed a nasty little thing, and she said an insignificant levity. I immediately realized that I could never forget it, and I also realized that this abomination or fat is necessarily related to everything that happened. "</p>
<p>  Later in life, <strong> Felicia Bauer </strong> a completely ugly girl Kafka told him during her first meeting.For four years, he made Felicia twice offer hands and hearts. answered both times, but Kafka did not dare to get married Real life with a woman attracted him a little, he was more attracted to epistolary romance. </p>
<p>  Felicia Bauer's correspondence and Franz Kafka struck by his sensuality, his pbadion, his fantasies, so that many girls preferred the most romantic novel.In the course of his relationship with Bauer, Franz wrote many books: "The Fireman", chapters of the novel "America", "Transformation", "The Verdict." Unfortunately, this romanticism only suited the writer, and Felicia frankly understood that she wanted a family and children. relationship is not over because of Kafka's indecision at s marrying. "Composed of" epistolary love "with Bauer, Kafka falls in love with his friend Felitsia <strong> Greta Gloch </strong> but tries to hide it … All this leads to the fact that women stage a public pillar to the writer. Married on the brink of death </h2>
<figure clbad=  The writer's grave at the new Jewish cemetery in Prague. Photo: "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 1067 "data-x-src =" "data-x-width =" 800 "data-y-height =" 720 "data-y-src =" " data-y-width = "539" data-zoom = "1" height = "467" hspace = "0" src = " .jpg "title =" The tomb of the writer at the new Jewish cemetery in Prague. Photo: "vspace =" 0 "width =" 350 "/>

<figcaption> The tomb of the writer in the new Jewish cemetery in Prague. Photo: </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Kafka decided to get married only in 40 years – at Dora Diamant </strong> 19, whom he had met at a Jewish event. After 3 weeks, they started living together in Berlin. Then Dora traveled with Franz to a suburb of Vienna, where there was a tuberculosis hospital where Franz was treated. </p>
<p>  Kafka wrote to his beloved father, begging him to bless their marriage as soon as possible. But Dora's parents have decided that a 40-year-old writer who would soon die of tuberculosis is not the best party for a girl. Eleven months after his acquaintance with Diamant, the writer died in the hands of Dora. </p>
<p>  Before his death, Kafka gave all his unpublished works to a friend <strong> to Max Brod </strong> and swore to burn everything. These pages reflect the fears, phobias and attempts of the writer to cope with his tormenting feelings. Wade not only failed to meet the demand, but also contributed in all ways to the publication of Franz Kafka's legacy and his progress. Most of Kafka's works were therefore published after the death of the author. Today, in Prague, there is the Kafka House Museum, where all his works are collected. And in the courtyard there is a monument in the form of two men who piss. </p>
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