Stress, fear, the courts. What happens to save veterans who want to be evicted from flats?


This scandal became known early in the fall. Veterans and rescuers said: 20 to 40 years ago, the country gave them an apartment under a perpetual mandate in the fire station. The privatization of this type of housing has proved rare – it has turned out that this was outside the legal field. The legislation was changed a few years ago: the apartments have been moved to the category of special apartments, only existing lifeguards can live there. And the old helpers were summoned to court: the Ministry of Emergency Situations allowed them to live until March, and then in the street. However, after the publication, not only the public, but also the authorities found an injustice. "The government prepares a regulatory document, the final decision of the president", share the information.

"We are many, they already know about us. But until now, the minister has not found the time to meet us.

The magnitude of the problem, when the scandal erupted in the media, may have been considered by anyone first. The representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations said: "All these people – in the bill we are not talking about hundreds of families, we are talking about a very small number of families with whom we work. . "

But the old helpers, the children of veterans (who inherited this housing after the death of their parents) proved to be organized. They created a public badociation (until it was registered) and hired one from all legal representatives.

– Only those who constantly communicate with us – 50 families in Minsk, Molodechno and Zhodino. In total, according to my data, there are 188 apartments in the republic. So we are not "a very small number," says Sergey Babina, the man that veterans have chosen to represent common interests.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY
Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

– Retirees who were rewarded for their selfless work by numerous state awards, highlighted by letters and thanks, veterans, a significant portion of them became ill during their service and were disabled. There are families raising disabled children, large families, liquidators of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. We are many, they already know us. But until now, the Minister of Emergency Situations has not found the time to meet us. The contact is limited to meetings with the Deputy Minister. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Emergency Situations called the families to ask for information on the number of people living in each apartment that they wanted to take, by whom and where they worked. Heads of local divisions have "visited" the same goal of collecting information. Those who are able to work have been offered jobs at the emergency department – even as janitors …

In these buildings are housing for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. People were "working" while the ministry needed it.

Another news came after another publication: "Veterans who can be deported to the street have already been summoned to court." And this news delighted people: the Ministry of Emergency Situations began withdrawing the evictions from the courts.

Certainly, the claims for forcing the signing of the lease were retained. Let us explain why we even wanted to force us to sign an agreement: officially declare us in March 2019: your permanent order is a manikin and the lease agreement is revoked. However, in Zhodino, six people were prosecuted and the head judge rejected the claims of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The same thing happened in Molodechno. It was full of hope. But …

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY
Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

But then, the ministry withdrew its own reminder in court – that is, courts across the country should consider complaints from the Ministry of Emergency Situations against veterans. Legal proceedings have already been instituted against several families. This, for example, Kolbaskina, the head of a family of four – a pensioner. Family Hedgehog: The head of the family, a lifeguard, has pbaded away, and now his family may be on the street. Lawsuits have been filed against Leokadia Oryol, a single woman who has worked all her life in the Emergency Department – she is 68 years old.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY
Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

– The insult of those who served honestly, received rewards from the state, letters and that flat, addressed to the department that "used" and thrown, is growing. The situation dragged on, the nerves of people – to the limit. The elderly are really shocked: the yard is terrible at this age. One of the veterans, a liquidator who twice went to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, was sued and could not resist the pressure. He was taken to an intensive care center, says Sergei Babina sadly.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY
Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

Julia is a special case

Yulia Zhabitskaya's grandfather had a house on Rybalko Street in Minsk. The city needed the site, the house had been demolished 50 years ago, the family (himself, wife, son, brother, wife) had received an apartment in Rybalko 20. The grandfather had died in 1969. In 2012, her granddaughter, Julia, became a responsible tenant. In 2013-2014, she and her mother were in litigation with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Minsk City regarding the cancellation of the status badigned to the offices and the resolution of the privatization of housing. But the women's courts have lost. At present, they risk being offended three times by the state: first, the family has been deprived of land and houses, then the right to take that home in exchange, and they are now threatening to put it on homeless.

"Something that someone decides"

"We have learned that the government is preparing a regulatory act that will solve the situation," said Sergei Babina. – We have seen an instruction on this, but we do not know what will be incorporated into this regulatory act. We know that meetings are held at the ministry, that our problems are discussed with representatives of various structures, but we are not invited, we are not informed about this and we can not give real information about the situation at organizations and departments.

I would like to understand to which part of the tenants of the special service hosting the document under development will be distributed. People who are now working with EMERCOM, but have reached the age of early retirement or who are working in EMERCOM after retirement, turn to us for help. At the same time, they live in similar dwellings made available to them or their families 20 or 30 years ago. They have not yet signed a collective appeal, fearing negative consequences. But people are afraid of being in our position in the years to come.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY
Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

Sergei Babina says that according to their data, all veterans of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and their heirs wish to be divided into categories and propose their conditions to each category.

– On what basis are we, who are in trouble and have we asked for help, divided into categories? They decide who we are, who and what, in our personal lives. The courts discover our property and our family status. They ask strange questions like "do you have a garden house or a part of an inheritance like a village house?" – they say, yes, three heirs, but you have the right to install there, it means you have a place to go.

This activity of the department forced us to write not only a collective appeal to all instances, including the presidential administration, but also a complement. If not, we can not reach those who will make decisions about us in the government. We see the most, perhaps, the real solution to the problem of all, without dividing us into categories – it's an indefinite contract, as we had previously, with the employer and the members of their families who are currently living together. This is the solution that will satisfy all people in difficulty.

The second proposal (the most desirable solution) is the authorization to privatize this housing for employers and their family members who are able to pay for privatization. We were unable to exercise our rights in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, because officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations prevented the privatization of office premises in the premises of the barracks of the Republic of Belarus. firefighters. At the same time, in the same fire stations, part of the housing stock had been privatized by people favored by the Ministry of Emergency Situations for some reason. And not just privatized – resold.

There is a third option: low-rate loans for those who can build. People will build housing and give the apartments to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The loner will succeed in living in this dwelling – it will be released in a natural way …

In their remarks, veterans of the Ministry of Emergency Situations ask to invite their representatives to joint meetings or working group meetings to solve their housing problem. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to make a fair decision.

What does the MES say?

Recall that the agency executes the law. In 2013, the 563rd presidential decree on certain issues relating to the legal regulation of housing relations was published. It was determined that the units, located in existing combat units, were transferred from the special duty service. And, as a result, contracts with persons who lived in these premises should be concluded for a period not exceeding five years. When drafting this decree in 2014, an order was issued by the Ministry of Emergencies. Five years expire in March 2019.

The official position of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has not changed since the first publication: "The court is a civilized way to solve the problem," said the official representative of the Ministry, Vitaly Novitsky.

Recall that in Zhodino and Molodechno, the court rejected the demands of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Certainly, the department did not explain whether it was going to appeal this decision.

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