Students went to fake school references in Mogilev: bought from "craftsmen"


Conductors in Mogilev calculated the number of pbadengers who used false certificates of study. And the police found those who falsified the documents, said the police department.

In either case, the conductor doubted being a schoolgirl. The pbadenger, who presented the certificate, was obviously older than the school age, although the "document" even bears a stamped seal – the truth, done on a computer.

The fact that the certificate is fake, the man confessed to the police. And he said that he had bought it from a 20-year-old friend who was not working.

According to the fake school certificate, the 19-year-old third-year university student left for free. But not for long. The deception was quickly revealed by the vigilant driver of the bus: after considering the "document" as it should, she called the police.

In fact, the fake certificate was manufactured and sold by an 18-year-old woman, Mogilev. The production of fake documents at home was put into production from October 2017.

We remind you that falsification, production, use or sale of false documents, stamps, stamps, forms can be sanctioned by public works or a fine up to a restriction of freedom that can go up to two years.

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