"Survivors", pensions, rents for the grandmother, the best potatoes and pizza with Lukashenko – everything for yesterday


Judging by the news, the country is seriously concerned about alcohol and chicken: the first want to limit the sale (and even increase the age at which they will drop!), The second, we recall it, suddenly becomes more expensive and the producers expressed the reasons for MARS (but it is not yet sure that it is not yet collusion). And no one noticed that pelmeni from belaya, salo and krovyanka became more expensive … What other people lived in Belarus and around the world yesterday – in our brief review


Do you know which sectors of the economy "feed" our budget? The best leaders and outsiders have been thrown – and among them have turned out to be many unexpected! For example, farmers contribute only 1.3% of the total to the "budget pie", which is unlikely to be comparable to state support granted to agrarians. And we thought …

It became known that two Belarusian heavy ministers – Sergei Sidorsky and Valery Koreshkov – leave the Eurasian Economic Commission. They have already taken a replacement. For some reason, at these times, the president's dissatisfaction with the work of the Belarusian representatives to the EEC is recalled: "Why imitate the activities if only other countries are solving the problems ? " None of our problems are solved. "But the good, of course, was.

It turns out, in a number of Belarusian pensioners have arrived? Yes, Sidorsky and Koreshkov will receive a pension that is not quite usual for the ordinary Belarussians, but, perhaps, the rest will be comforted by the fact that they will soon receive more payments? We say how much.

Immediately after signing the decree on the 30-day trip without a visa from the Ministry of the Interior, it was envisaged to extend the length of stay of foreigners without registration up to 10 days and in agro-sports and sanatoria.It seems that everything is logical, but we tried to understand if this recording can be simply taken and canceled.

Well, the news of football (you've already been bored, right?). Yesterday, BATE players were not able to beat the Finnish HIK club in the home league qualifying match in the Cham League We tried very hard, we had a great advantage – but something went wrong. The return match – August 1 in Helsinki, the odds are, they say, 50 to 50. Borisov, we will be sick again, do not miss! And FIFA has named the contenders for the best players and coaches in the world in 2018 (spoiler: borisovchan in the list, unfortunately, not yet).


Here we have a very good story about the veterinarian. No, all, of course, are holy people, but the act of our hero touches deep in his soul: he took a blind dog, who was brought to sleep. "A month old puppy was brought in. They said," He does not see – blind, sleep, so he will not suffer. "A puppy is cool, but he has a crooked eyelid and a thorn in the eyes I suggested not to sleep, but to heal. "Oh no, it will be tormented." Then I said, "Leave it to me." Alabai Amran lived another 8 years and even became the champion of Belarus.And then he died of a stomach ulcer.This dog at Brest Veterinarian Andrei "will not be anymore." But if you also have a dog or a cat it may be helpful to determine the science of his actual age (and no, it is not "a year is equal to seven humans".)

 Photo: Stanislav Korshunov [19659004] Remember, you recently told a really police story, in which Minsker Ga, 90 years old In the "old and absolutely helpless", a young citizen of Minsk, Yevgeny Yevgeny, signed a con Renting – and this, according to his friends, was "literally thrown into the street with four cats." We met a guard who has a completely different version. and many questions to these same friends: "She told me long ago that she was not seeing her pension.I ask," Where does she disappear? "And she said to me," I go with my friends, i get a pension, but they do not give it back to me. "She also said that there was a friend with whom she went twice to receive a pension and did not get her. In this story, in fact, there are many questions in general.

Meanwhile, we visited another maternity ward, this time one of the oldest in Minsk. sure, on the "troika". "The birthplace is many years old. It's a monument. It is very small, very comfortable and very welcoming. "We say how and with whom they give birth"

Oh, they almost forgot If you're going to rest in Odessa by car, be very careful here, the Bobruisk resident with his family, for example was brutally stolen from the car and the consuls confirm that Belarusians are often victims of crimes on the way to Ukrainian seaside resorts.All the details and security rules are here.Enjoy your holidays (and remember you that it is still necessary: ​​diseases that often affect office workers, no one has finally won)


Remember the problems that bad weather brought in the country days? Now in the revolutionary street of the capital, they solve the problem of floods – and that's what they change and at the expense – and yesterday a powerful downpour flooded the streets of Zhlobin, no luck at last day and neighbors-Kievans: roads, tunnels, sidewalks, subway entrances, the movement of trolleybuses and trams were stopped. Weather, what are you doing, stop it! ..

 Photo: vk "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 960 "data-x-src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/regiony/Of/a /zhlobin_zalilo4.jpg "data-x-width =" 1280 "data-height =" 540 "data-y-src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/ n / regiony / 0f / a / zhlobin_zalilo4.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 540 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by Eh, in such cases - when we do not know where to run (or where to run). to swim?) and what to do in general, we would all have "smart glbades", with augmented reality technology ... You put - and browser instructions or useful instructions are superimposed on real objects. The biggest companies in the world like Apple and Microsoft are crashing, you know, developing such businesses in Minsk! </p>
<p>  Do you look at the confrontation at the restaurant "Let's go eat" Nearly two months near the ideological tract Kurapaty struggle of the owners and activists who seek its closure. The owner does not intend to stop the work of the institution, and the protesters do not have the intention to stop the boycott. We asked the Miners how they relate to the situation – and the audience was divided even before our camera. And the Ministry of Culture told me there was a letter from the owners of "Let's go eat" with the proposal to create a memorial. </p>
<p>  If you are far from augmented reality and ideological confrontations, the following text will surely be helpful and interesting for all Belarusians: the expert explains how to choose tasty and useful potatoes on the market. It turns out that even in what part of Belarus it is cultivated: if it is in Brest, it is more likely that it will be more friable, if in the Vitebsk region it is less friable … </p>
<p>  If you do not like potatoes always eat for a sweet soul, then get ready that one day they will bring you a pizza not ordinary, but … a portrait . "Who ate Lukashenko?" – "No one's portrait, like the portraits of Dzyuba and Cherchesov, we froze to save the descendants." See how cool it is, and, say, delicious! – the pieces are made in Grodno </p>
<p>  <img alt=

Every Wednesday, July 25


By the way, we are once again "drowning" the "Corporate HLS": we go to companies and tell them how they support employees in their form – professional but also healthy Because programmers are not cowards, they play hockey! And you are not lagging behind

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