Taxes – on "Letters of Happiness", which send non-payers


The tax authorities changed tactics by working with the Belarusians, who are slow to pay contributions to the state budget. They have gone from an interference in the activities of payers to precautionary measures, said the head of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Inspectorate of the Minsk region, Vladimir Bursh, in an interview with the newspaper "Minskaya praada". The specialist spoke of the "letters of happiness" that guide the defaulters and their first warning.

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<figcaption> The picture is illustrative. Photo: </figcaption></figure>
<p>  – First of all, we stimulate the voluntary payment of taxes, – explained Vladimir Bursh. – In this we are helped by the cameral control. It consists of the remote badysis of the payers. In case of revealing discrepancies, we send a notification with an updated tax reporting request request and pay taxes independently. It does not apply to those who have voluntarily taken measures of administrative responsibility. </p>
<p>  The specialist says that only the tax authorities of the Minsk region <strong> </strong>  and 2017 and the first quarter of 2018 have sent 9924 such notifications. restored by 43.6 million rubles. In addition, we avoided an unwarranted VAT refund of the budget of 34.4 million rubles, "the specialist noted. </p>
<p style= Previously, the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection reported that Belarus had created a base of Now, the database is being tested and tested, and the database will be fully operational as planned as of January 1, 2019.

It was decided that this information would be provided four times a year. quarterly, including information on all types of income receivable (salary, dividends, interest on bank deposits, etc.) Income will be coded to determine the nature of payments and the future presentation in the Unified Area of ​​Settlement and Information (ERIP)

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