The beginning of work on the "Union-5". What do we know about Rogozin's project?


The other day, the head of state, Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin, announced the launch of a project to create a medium-sized Soyuz-5 carrier rocket. The company Energia, Progress and Energomash will work on the rocket, and its value is estimated at 61 billion Russian rubles (about 960 million dollars).

The first flight tests of the rocket will take place in 2022. It is badumed that at the same time it will put into orbit the inhabited space shuttle, whose work on the preliminary design began in 2009. Currently, aerodynamic testing of ship models is underway. In addition, the ship will have one of three prototypes of the robot "Fedor". The samples before the flight will be tested, the best will be selected. He will be the only pbadenger of the ship

For the first stage of the Union-5 of deep modernization, RD-171 engines will be on display, which will acquire new unique features. "We call it the" Tsar engine ", – quotes RIA Novosti from Rogozin The first tests of the RD-171MV will be by 2019.

Under the rocket, it will be necessary to modernize the Baikonur Cosmodrome to restore a mobile farm for landed astronauts.It has become unusable for dozens of years: you have to replace the chbadis and build 300 meters of one. In addition, it is necessary to work on the rescue system of the rescue team for situations where the rocket has not yet taken off.It is expected that the launch will take place at from the launch complex, from which Zenit rockets have stolen.Some experts in the industry believe that the companies involved in the project do not have a lot of time for all this until 2022

The head of Roskosmos believes that with the help from Soyuz-5, Russia will succeed in conquering the market for commercial launches and the rocket will compete on an equal footing with the leading manufacturers in this industry.

Developments in the future are intended to be used to create a super-heavy launcher. Below, a separate departure table will be built at the Vostochny Cosmodrome. The Superjet with liquefied gas and hydrogen engines is expected to start in 2027. This can be useful for missions in perspective to the Moon or Mars

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