The Belarusian "visa-free" was used by 131,109 foreign tourists


It is worth remembering that yesterday, the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree that the length of visa-free stay of foreign citizens in Belarus was increased to 30 days, provided that they enter the country and leave the national border at the Minsk National Airport

. Tourism, the head of the main consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Igor Fisenko noted that in the past three years, there have been significant positive changes in this issue. They had no negative impact on the migration situation in the country. The number of foreign visitors has increased. The main part of the tourist stream is the national airport. Only last year, its pbadenger traffic increased by 20% and exceeded for the first time 4 million.

Minsk and the Grodno region are leading in terms of growth of tourism services exports in the country. Through the national airport, our country has been visited by more than 130,000 foreign tourists. The Grodno region has adopted more than 51,000.

– The decree provides the basic preconditions necessary for the development of tourism, improves the availability of sanatorium and health tourism in the Republic of Belarus. Therefore, it usually takes 18-24 days. And at the same time, you can solve issues with international sports debut and sports fees.

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