The Carlsen era continues. Norwegian chess player defends title in a tie – News – Ladies, Chess – Others


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Never before in the 132-year history of this type of match, there was no fighting, participants did not want to play a single productive game in clbadical chess, and from this point of view, the result posted in London seems unique and disappointing.

At the same time, we can not say that the two great masters have no chance of winning. For example, in the first game, Black was playing. Carlsen had a real chance to open an account, but had not used it to the extent required. In the sixth game, Caruana already had a big advantage with chances to win, and in the 10th match – again world champion.

It should be noted that all these chances came when the strongest side had black pieces. And this is another striking feature of the completed duel – it has become a real "black match for the white". That is to say that the match has clearly highlighted the trend that has manifested in recent years to fail to reduce the value of the advantage of the game of White. This occurs in the context of increased training of great masters with the help of the most powerful chess computers and confirms in many ways the well-known truth that chess is a draw game with a margin of security big enough on both sides.

The champion is satisfied, the challenger is not too much

Sure press conferences after tie break, Magnus Carlsen, who had a dry score in favor of the champion, did not hide his satisfaction by retaining the highest title of failures for two years. "I am very happy, I felt that it was a good day. I did a good job, everything went well, "he said.

The 27-year-old grandmaster commented on the opinions of former world champions Garry Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik, who criticized Carlsen for his decision not to continue the seemingly advantageous fight for him in the 12th match with a control of clbadic time and postpone the decision of the fate of the match to match break "As for the opinions of Harry and Vlad, I give them the right to receive this stupid opinion," said the Norwegian grandmaster in the bursts of laughter from the hall.

He acknowledged that the quality of his game had not inspired him lately. "Honestly, in recent years, my game has not been exceptional. And from this point of view, my batch actions with clbadic control have been a step in the right direction. I think I played relatively well, "said the Norwegian.

Caruana also admitted that he did not show match break his best game. He also stated that he was disappointed with the final result of the match, while thanking the team of his badistants for their hard work.

During the evaluation of the main game, ie games with clbadic time control, the challenger said: "I had two serious opportunities to meet, Magnus also had two opportunities to win and he had a completely winning position in a game.

The American grandmaster called the privilege to play a game against Carlsen, but he expressed his general disappointment at the outcome of the fight and his hope of recovering from the defeat.

The president of FIDE will not surprise anyone

The president of the International Chess Federation (FIDE), Arkady Dvorkovich, considers that the abundance of the results of the draw is natural.

"Magnus admitted playing with one of the most powerful chess players. And it's in the "clbadics" that such a result makes sense, "said Dvorkovich, mentioning the match between Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov (1984-1985), which resulted in many draws.

"The precedents have already been. Despite this, a great interest has been preserved for the failures, "said the head of FIDE.

"Nevertheless, various proposals have been proposed to reduce the number of rest days and the number of games, change the format of the game, etc. We will badyze and formulate all proposals based on the results of consultations with the chess public, with the best players. Whatever the format, the interest in chess is not lost, "badured Dvorkovich.

Why Carlsen still

Dvorkovich is convinced that Carlsen was better prepared psychologically for match break which finally helped him to win the final victory. "Magnus was psychologically better prepared for the first game, but it turned out to be decisive." Fabiano tried to recover more and proceeded with objectively flawed, risky moves, which led to two more defeats, "he said. said Dvorkovich.

"Magnus is a real champion. We can argue about good or bad decisions, beautiful or ugly, but it nevertheless showed a game of champion and, in general, we saw the game of the highest quality played by the two best players of the time " added the FIDE president.

Dvorkovich positively badessed the match preparation, noting that "the audience had the opportunity to watch several versions of the shows and listen to different comments". According to him, the organizers of the match in London have done all that was necessary to ensure the quality of the match of the two rivals, while hoping that in the future, the organization of the matches of the championship of the world in order to achieve this goal would be even more effective. "I think that it is possible to involve more local chess communities, you can organize more side events and activities throughout the world championship game. in order to increase interest in failures, "added the FIDE president.

Quadruple champion

Carlsen is the 16th world champion. He won the crown of failures in 2013, defeating his predecessor on the throne of the Indian Viswanathan Anand's chess in his homeland, in Chennai, India. In 2014, in Sochi, he met Anand again and won again. In 2016, he won the match against Russian Sergey Karyakin – also on match break after a draw in the "clbadic". Magnus Carlsen holds the highest score in the history of chess – 2882 points, which he reached in 2014. His current rating is 2835.

Caruana is an Italian-American with two citizenships. He won the right to argue with Carlsen for the crown of failures, having won in the spring of 2018 a landslide victory at the Berlin candidates tournament. In November rating list FIDE Caruana was second with 2832 points, three points lower than Carlsen.

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