The control "Kupalinki" put on sale


The State Property Committee has put up for sale 84.46% of the shares of Kupalinka OJSC in accordance with Lukashenko's order of June 12 of last year titled "On alienation actions". The shares now sold belong to the state. The investor will be selected by call for tenders and certain obligations will fall to him.

Thus, the new owner of the majority stake will have to contribute at least 10 million rubles to the authorized capital of the company, by 2021, in order to guarantee the export of products of a value At least $ 3 million, create at least 40 new jobs and guarantee an average monthly salary no less than that of similar sectors. in republic, maintain the brand and types of production activities, increase the production volume of at least 20% in monetary terms. The cost of the shares on the website of the State Property Committee is not specified.

OJSC Kupalinka is one of the largest companies in the Bellegprom Group. It is located in Soligorsk and has been making underwear and knits for adults and children for 50 years. As of 1 January 2019, Kupalinki's revenues increased by 2 million Belarusian rubles compared to the same period last year, but production costs also increased in line with revenues. In 2019, the company suffered losses, debts rose, the number of employees fell.

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