The court sentenced the founders of the former Suzuki dealer


About 80 people have been waiting for several years to take legal action against the father and son of Yablonsky, whose firm was a Suzuki dealer, and to punish them. In 2016, investigators began to be interested in businessmen. Last summer, the case was brought to court. Today, a sentence has been pronounced against businessmen.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY
Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

Recall that father and son Yablonskie – the founders and leaders of Belavtocontinent LLC – from November 2014 to February 2016, have entered into 59 contracts with companies and individuals for the supply of Suzuki vehicles. Customers paid a deposit of 10 to 100%, but the machines did not receive it.

In addition, 19 victims gave money to the accused on the pretext of developing a vehicle company.

The investigation revealed that the actions of the accused resulted in property damage in excess of 2.6 million rubles. In total, the case is 78 victims.

The acts of the accused are qualified under Part 4 of the art. 209 (Fraud committed by a large group of people) and part 4 of the art. 210 (seizure of property, committed by an official who has used his official authority, on several occasions, on a large scale) of the Criminal Code of Belarus.

After the court proceedings, the prosecutor concludes the evidence of guilt of the accused and requests that Yablonsky Sr. be sentenced to 8 years' imprisonment, the most recent being sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and to imprisonment with confiscation.

– In our group of victims, someone was always present at meetings. But we did not wait for Yablonsky's repentance, said one of the victims Vladimir Lukoshko. – Even the last word, the former declared that he did not confess his guilt, and the youngest, Denis, admitted his guilt, except under section 216 (Criminal offense causing damage to property without signs – Approx. AUTO.TUT.BY). They said that our time was to blame for everything, at the risk of the companies, the founders of Moscow who failed and forced them to act in this way.

The victims were stunned by the defense of the accused: the lawyers asked to be acquitted.

– Why justify? We have never heard arguments, the emphasis was on the fact that business is a risk. And Denis should be regretted because he has two young children.

Today, on November 29, the Oktyabrsky district court in Minsk was sentenced under Part 4 of Art. Alexander Yablonsky and sentenced him to 8 years in prison. Denis Yablonsky was found guilty under Part 4 of the art. 209 and part 4 of the art. 210. He is sentenced to 10 years imprisonment depriving him of his right to hold certain positions or to perform certain activities for five years. The father and the son will serve their sentences in a regime colony strengthened and will be confiscated their property.

According to the court's decision, both victims will have to pay money to the victims for material damage.

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