The Croatian Football Union punished the hero of the video with the slogan "Glory to Ukraine" | SPORTS.TUT.BY


Former midfielder of the Croatian national team Ognjen Vukojevic is excluded from the Croatian delegation to the 2018 World Cup. The decision was announced on Monday 9 July by the Croatian Football Union ( HFS).

The union reported that Vukojević had been relieved of his duties as badistant coach of the Croatian national team and private accreditation for the 2018 World Cup as an observer. The Croatian Football Union apologizes to the Russian public for the actions of a member of the Croatian delegation.

On July 7, the Croatian national team won the penalty shootout against the Russian team and went to the semi-finals, Vukojević and defender Domag . (Both were playing for Dynamo Kiev) released a video where Vida shouts "Glory to Ukraine!", And Vukojevic adds "This win for Dynamo and Ukraine."

The statement from the HFS says that Vukojevic and Vida apologize for their words, which "did not suggest in any way political overtones, but unfortunately left the possibility of such an interpretation."

Sergei Tsekov, member of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, in conversation with RBC noted that the act of the team of players X tear left a "bad feeling".

"There are people who, in the background of this very good positive mood of the championship decided by their actions to spoil the party, that was all. And they allowed such a political statement, which is not correlated with the game that took place, "said Tsekov.

Vida later called his words a joke." I'm really sorry that some media have interpreted our message like this, "he said, noting that" of course, it was not a political message, but only a recognition to Ukrainian supporters for their support "." J & # 39; have a lot of friends in Ukraine, but I also have friends among the Russians, "said Vida, pointing out that he was proud of this friendship.

The International Football Federation (FIFA) ) issued a warning to Void, but did not disqualify it.The Croatian Football Association urged players not to make political statements

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