The EU criticized Moldova's decision to give citizenship for investment


The Moldovan authorities should not use the liberalization of the visa regime with the European Union to attract investment in exchange for citizenship of the country, said the EU mission to Chisinau. This is reported by the television channel TV-8

As stated in the EU mission, such measures of the Moldovan government may jeopardize the liberalization of the visa regime. Brussels in the proposal of Chisinau sees the risk of naturalization of foreign citizens arrived in Moldova for other purposes.

In October 2017, the Government of Moldova approved the granting of the country's nationality in exchange for investments of at least € 250,000 in one of the strategic sectors of the country. # 39; s economy. € 100,000 should be an irrevocable investment. Invest funds are offered in real estate and securities. This measure was proposed as part of the strategy to combat the economic crisis in the country. The President of Moldova Igor Dodon has spoken out against the granting of citizenship for investments. According to him, this would allow foreigners to buy Moldovan lands "for a pittance".

The visa-free regime for Moldovan citizens traveling to the Schengen countries is valid from 2014, for which the country has been working since 2010.

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