The film "Crystal", shot in Belarus, received the Grand Prize of the Odessa Film Festival


The Grand Prize of the Odessa Festival received a film by Belarusian director Darya Zhuk "Crystal", according to the site of the event. The winner in this category was traditionally determined by the audience of the film festival. The director of the film received a statuette "Golden Duke" and a prize of 10 thousand euros.

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<p>  "For a very long time, I went to this price and I was looking forward to it.It's my first prize.For me, it's a huge gift to our entire team and a real breakthrough for our small country that is nearby, "said Daria Zhuk </p>
<p> recalling that the painting" Crystal "was made in the 1990s in Belarus . A girl-DJ wants to go to America, but makes a mistake in the visa application. Now she has to spend a week in a small industrial town, not to lose the opportunity to realize her "American dream". The film shows a panorama of the life of the 90s: underground raves of young people, spontaneous markets, dreams of youth emigration and the life of a province frozen in time </p>
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The film was shot in Belarus. The image was created in the joint production of film companies from Belarus, the United States, Germany and Russia. An international film crew worked on the film, Alina Nasibullina ("How Vitka Garlic drove Lehu Pin in the house of the disabled"), Ivan Mulin (Molodyozhka), actress Yanka Kupala Theater Svetlana Anikei and D & # 39; other actors in the film

. Even at the stage of production, the film has attracted the attention of foreign film professionals. "Crystal" has been presented at international festivals in New York (USA), Cottbus (Germany) and Tallinn (Estonia). During the last work, Daria Zhuk received the Best Film Award. In addition, the film became the first image in 20 years that Belarus nominated for the Oscar.

Director Daria Zhuk was born in Minsk, studied and lives in the United States. A graduate of Harvard and Columbia Universities, she worked on HBO, making several short films that became participants and winners of international festivals. One of them, "The Real American", graduated from the Minsk International Film Festival "Listapad" in 2015.

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