The first harvest of watermelons was harvested in the Brest region. A month earlier than usual


Watermelons matured in the Brest region. On the experimental site of the public organization "Brest State University named after AS Pushkin", the first harvest of the season was suppressed on July 10. A month earlier than usual, "Belarus Today" reports.

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<figcaption> Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Alexander Autko and Associate Professor at Sergei Volosyuk University. Photo: </figcaption></figure>
<p>  – Due to global warming, the growing season of crops has increased from 10 to 14 days. Yes, and the sum of active temperatures over the last decade has increased from 200 to 250 degrees, corresponding to a territorial shift from latitude to south to 200 km. The depth of soil freezing has decreased and the duration of the frost-free period has increased. Such conditions allow to receive a good quality watermelon with a high sugar content (11-12%), "said Sergey Volosyuk, a senior lecturer at the University. </p>
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