The Kremlin continues to prepare a meeting between Putin and Trump, although the US president has threatened to abandon him.


Russian and US presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump will discuss issues of bilateral relations, disarmament, ensuring stability in the world and the incident in the Kerch Strait during a meeting on December 1 in Buenos Aires. On this subject, as reported by TASS, said the Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov.

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, Hamburg, July 7, 2017. Photo: Reuters
Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, Hamburg, July 7, 2017. Photo: Reuters

The presidential aide said the meeting with Trump will take place after breakfast with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Speaking of the format of the meeting, Ushakov said that a conversation was planned in an individual format and then key members of both delegations joined the conversation. He explained that the meeting is just as important for both parties as it is for the changing world situation.

Speaking of topics of conversation, Ushakov noted that strategic security and disarmament issues would be addressed first. The second set of issues includes regional governance and the fight against terrorism. According to the Russian presidential aide, the Syrian problems, the Iranian nuclear program and the situation on the Korean peninsula will be affected. "It's possible that [обсудят] recent events in the Kerch Strait area, "he said. The third series of topics will focus on relations between Moscow and Washington, Ushakov added.

Commenting on Trump's remarks that the incident with Ukrainian ships could result in the cancellation of the meeting, Ushakov expressed the hope that information on this subject would be communicated to the Russian side through official channels and not through the media. .

On December 1, Putin will also meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, with whom he will discuss the mechanism for concluding a peace treaty. According to Ushakov, on November 30, Putin will meet in Argentina with French President Emmanuel Macron. The conversation with the French leader will focus on the Ukrainian crisis, the Syrian settlement, the Iranian nuclear program and security in Europe. Putin will also meet Crown Prince Mohammed Ben Salman of Saudi Arabia. According to Ushakov, they can discuss the murder of journalist Jamal Hashkaji.

The day before, Trump said his talks with Putin on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Argentina may not be held because of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the Kerch Strait. The Kremlin then said that he had not received any information from the United States on the possible cancellation of the leaders' meeting.

On November 27, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders announced that the US president would have bilateral talks with his Russian counterpart at the G20 summit. According to US President John Bolton's National Security Advisor, the topics of the Trump-Putin meeting will be security, arms control, the situation in the Middle East and Ukraine.

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