The Kremlin has called the topics of talks between Putin and Trump at the G20 summit


"We are confident that the presidents will influence the Syrian conflict, the Iranian nuclear program, the Korean problem, it is possible that the recent events occurred in the Kerch Strait area," Interfax reported. In addition, presidents can discuss bilateral issues: "What can be done on both sides to get these relations out of the stalemate and start looking for ways to normalize them".

According to Ushakov, the meeting between Putin and Trump at the G20 is scheduled for December 1. Its content and duration will depend only on two leaders. "The time will be enough, but the presidents themselves will handle this time, and the length of the conversation will depend on the nature of this conversation," said the Kremlin representative. There is no agreement on a joint declaration by Moscow and Washington after the meeting, said Ushakov.

The Kremlin hopes that further considerations on the meeting of presidents will be transmitted through official channels, not through the media, said the presidential aide.

On the eve of Trump, in an interview with the Washington Post, he said he could cancel the meeting with Putin at the G20 in Argentina because of incident with Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait. Trump said that he intended to get a "full report" on what had happened. "C & # 39; [отчет] and will be decisive. Maybe I will not hold this meeting. I do not like aggression. I do not want any aggression, "he said.

Shortly before, the official representative of the White House confirmed that the meeting of the leaders of the countries would take place.

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