The Kremlin has stated that the situation in the Kerch Strait does not need to pacify


He responded to a request for comment on US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's proposal to mediate this issue.

The situation does not need appeasement. The appeasement occurred later yesterday when our border guards appeased the violators on the border with Russia.

Dmitry Peskov

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation

He pointed out that the usual order of maritime transport continues to apply in the Kerch Strait. "The order, which has in fact been repeatedly involved and used by Ukrainian ships and warships. There is a certain mode of communication during the pbadage, and there is no problem here. There is nothing to pacify, "summed Sands.

In response to a question about when the head of state was speaking about the incident in the Kerch Strait, Peskov replied: "When the time comes, the President will give all necessary explanations." suggested that this could happen in the coming days during Putin's trip to Argentina.

Peskov added that the president would be ready to "complete the explanations" if the issue of this conflict was raised during the G-20 summit meetings.

According to the FSB, on the morning of 25 November, three Ukrainian naval vessels Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yana Kapu crossed the border into the Russian Federation and entered the waters of the temporarily closed territorial sea illegally. On the evening of the same day, the Ukrainian ships "again tried illegal actions in the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation".

The three ships of the Ukrainian Navy and 24 sailors were arrested, a criminal case was opened on the illegal crossing of the border.

In Kiev, the actions of Russian border guards are considered illegal. According to the Ukrainian authorities, the Russian Federation has violated the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the cooperation agreement between Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the use of the sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait.

The Ukrainian Navy also reported that Russian coastal posts and ports in the Kerch Strait had been informed of the intention of the vessel to visit the area. Kerch-Yenikalsky the chain in the night of November 25th.

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