The Kremlin was surprised by Brilev's criticisms of his British citizenship


Source: RIA "News"

"In general, we do not understand the hype that has been organized on this issue. Brilev does absolutely nothing, having the citizenship of another country. He is not an official, so he has no restrictions, "said the radio" Echo of Moscow ". Press officer President Dmitry Peskov.

As the Kremlin spokesman pointed out, "we do not see any reason to color this story this way".

Peskov noted that the presence of British nationality in Brilev "can not be a cause of accusations or criticism".

Spokesman The president also added that the head of state "knows Brilev well, as well as other prominent journalists who work with him".

"You know that he himself has repeated over and over that he was an absolute patriot and that he did not have any other citizenship. Something Peskov, adding that he saw "nothing reprehensible" in Brilev's second citizenship.

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Previously, the Anti-Corruption Foundation had published information that Brilev and his wife would be listed among voters in a respectable district of London. Notting Hill, According to FBK, this is only possible if they have British citizenship or one of the countries of the British Commonwealth. In addition, FBK claimed that Brilev's wife owned an apartment in London in the prestigious Chesik neighborhood, worth £ 700,000.

Later, Brilev confirmed that in addition to his Russian nationality, he also possessed British nationality and property in London.

"I first have a British residence permit, then a second citizenship – a fact that my employers are familiar with. As expected, when the relevant legislation was published, I informed the Federal Migration Service (FMS) of the time, "wrote Brilev on Facebook.

The television presenter pointed out that he was not an official since he was working for the federal unitary enterprise (fGUPe).

The employee of the FSUE is not an employee of the state. That is, I did not violate any law. Moreover, by the nature of the work, I do not have access to state secrets.

Sergey Brilev

TV reporter

He added that his wife did not have British nationality.

"As for real estate in London, it was acquired with funds whose sources are transparent and well known to the relevant financial and tax authorities," said the TV host.

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