The national interest called "the worst nightmare in reality" for NATO


Anti-tank missiles manufactured in Russia may become "the worst nightmare" of NATO, according to defense and national security expert Charlie Gao in his article on the national interest.

  The Kornet anti-tank missile system: Russian Ministry of Defense)
"Cornet" anti-tank missile system. Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense

"It seems that Russia was ahead of all the explosive fragmentation and thermobaric warheads for anti-tank missiles, since virtually every missile in the Russian army's inventory has options with these warheads ". 19659004] This weapon can reach targets of a diameter of only a few meters over a distance of more than 5 km. "While such a level of accuracy is typically used to neutralize tanks, resourceful operators often believe that the ATGM makes them useful for reaching many other targets, including infantry or other points. enemy fire, "he says.

The most common ways to use guided anti-tank missiles is to shoot with a helicopter.

Russia equips helicopters with missiles 9M120 ° F, a modification of the anti-tank missile 9A120 "Attack". In particular, Ka-50 helicopters equipped with such equipment have been used by Russian air forces in Syria.

In addition, one of the most powerful and penetrating shells is used in the Russian anti-tank missile system "Kornet". The "Cornet" and "Métis" complexes also have great mobility, according to the article, since they can be delivered to the site by small groups of 2 to 3 people.

According to the author, the United States is far behind Russia as they have only one ground modification of ATGM with the latest warhead – BGM-71H "Bunker Buster".

National Interest notes that the biggest problem with these missiles is their cost. "But the price is not a factor for some states that can use these types of missiles for a possible attack on the United States," the author concludes.

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