The newlyweds were asked to the company, who did not inform about the cancellation of the flight, 2000 rubles for moral damages and won the court


History of April. The newlyweds arrived in Kiev and met in Minsk. However, the bus, which had been purchased in advance, did not show up. The Belorussians have reached their homeland, where they have written a complaint. The ticket operator has agreed to pay for unused and used tickets, but not to compensate for moral damages. In the spring, we listened to both sides. In the summer, the dispute ended with a court decision.

The main point of the story is that the newlyweds asked 2,000 rubles as moral compensation. The company cleared their ticket expenses, but named the 2000 rubles requested as a sum of money

– The pbadengers asked for moral compensation of 2000 rubles, repayment of the tickets that they had to buy – 50.64 rubles and ticket prices for a flight took place, – 40.5 rubles. As a result, we compensated for all customer expenses, confirmed by documents. In addition to moral damages. Because the amount requested is simply unrealistic. Practice shows that the court, in compensation for non-pecuniary damage, may recover an amount approximately equal to the costs incurred. After the news of April, the newlyweds went to the City Society for Consumer Protection.

– The company sent a claim on our behalf to the company Intercars with a proposal for pre-trial settlement and moral compensation refund. In response, we received a proposal for a permanent customer card, giving a 10% discount on trips made by Intercar buses, as well as two free tickets to Kiev. Since we will no longer use the services of the company, this option did not suit us, they say.

The newlyweds filed suit as co-defendants.

– As a result of the hearing,: each of us a moral compensation of the amount of 200 Belarusian rubles. City society for the protection of consumer rights – 850 rubles, a fine in favor of the state – 400 rubles, as well as the collection of state rights in the amount of 147 rubles . As a result, 1797 Belarusian rubles were obtained, – young people say.

– We wanted to show that such actions and attitudes towards customers are unacceptable and can lead to consequences, and also inform people that if you want to receive high quality service in the future, then you have to fight now and do not be afraid to badert your rights (no matter how much this service costs, even if it's a penny) – the newlyweds are confident.

They are satisfied with the result, even though they have not received rubles:

– Thanks to the City Protection Society consumer rights. We understood that no one would award compensation in the amount of 2000 rubles. Experts said that there will be a maximum of 100 rubles. However, as they say, ask for more than you want, and get as much as you need. As a result, the amount of costs, in our opinion, is worthy compensation.

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