The number of official unemployed continues to decline in Belarus. But in a region, there is more


The number of official unemployed continues to decline in Belarus. At the beginning of October, the country had 14,300 people unemployed and 15,000 the previous month. FINANCE.TUT.BY examined in which region of Belarus the most officially unemployed.

Photo: Olga Shukaylo, TUT.BY
The photo is illustrative. Photo: Olga Shukaylo, TUT.BY

More unemployed people in early November were in Region of Brest – 2656 people (at the beginning of October – 2756 people) and Gomel – 2509 people (2656).

At the same time, in October, the number of unemployed increased by Region of Grodno – up to 1837 people (a month earlier – 1830).

In Region of Minsk at the beginning of this month, there were 2017 officially unemployed (a month earlier – 2253), in Region of Mogilev – 1787 people (a month earlier – 1823 people) and Vitebsk – 2306 people (2438).

In Minsk, the number of unemployed fell on 1 November to 1,172 (against 1,244 the previous month).

Remember that the unemployment rate recorded on November 1st was 0.3%. In the Vitebsk region, this figure remains at 0.5% in Brest, Gomel, Grodno and Mogilev – 0.4%, in Minsk – 0.3% and in Minsk – 0.1%.

As of November 1, the labor force coefficient was 0.2 unemployed per job (0.4 as of November 1, 2017). At the same time, in the Brest and Vitebsk regions, the number of unemployed per vacancy was 0.3, in the Gomel, Grodno and Mogilyov regions – 0.2 in the Minsk and Minsk regions – 0.1 per unemployed person .

The real unemployment rate in the third quarter of this year was 4.7% of the labor force (one year ago – 5.2%).

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