The project "Reboot" The main mistake of a businessman and dive into social networks


All are heroes of our articles and optimists. They are fond of their business and, as bbad as it may seem, they put their souls there. It does not happen all and not always., in partnership with Samsung, has launched the "Reboot" project, in which we are helping four early-stage Belarusian businessmen to put their lives at risk

Only a short time before the end of our project. . But that does not mean that the work of the four heroes will stop. They will continue to grow their business. In the meantime, let's see what narrow specialists will advise. With Alexey, for example, met Oksana Vanchuk, public relations specialist. And Alexander's glbad tiles were interested in the designers.

Alexander. "It was a mistake!"

Alexander is doing well in the mbad demand segment. He found wholesale companies interested in his glbad friezes. The tiling salons are satisfied with the quality of the products and the absence of complaints from the buyers. But nevertheless, the guy wants to try himself in another sphere – the design. Is it only necessary for its tiles and friezes to designers? We will know it immediately, because three specialists came to discuss immediately with Sasha: the designer of the ceramic tiles Sanur Alexander, the chief and the chief architect of the studio VAE Eugene and the designer of the studio Honestly Designed Lily [19659005]that it has, concern friezes – thin glbad planochek. Alas, the "wild boar" tile hardly uses demand. And it is she who could take her place in the interior design

– The square meter of such a glbad tile costs about 100 dollars, and the benefit of this sum is minimal – the cost of production is very high. I decided to sell the product in square meters. It was a mistake! It was necessary not to translate it into a conveyor, but to offer it as decoration. And then this $ 100 in the context of a similar Polish decor would seem three times cheaper. In other words, we actually moved the expensive decor in the yard, on the conveyor.

The price, of course, plays a vital role. A person does not want to pay too much for expensive goods, though he does not see his benefits. As for the glbad tiles of Sasha, according to the designers, its main competitor is ceramics.

– It is difficult for the customer to explain that Poles have ceramics and you have glbad, so the price is slightly higher. Glbad is a very noble material, smooth and delicate. For your benefits too it is possible to realize an opportunity to make a tile quickly, qualitatively, different sizes and colors. It is necessary to convince people of these benefits. For example, to bring in a person and say – I need tiles of that color. At the same time, the customer will not care what tile is made of – glbad, ceramic, and even plastic – the designer Alexander noted.

But, again, among the customers will have to find people for whom price Guys, for example, are very interested in glbad tiles with matte coating. They say with this one can make a chic interior. However, something similar can be found in ceramics and cheaper. It would be good to decorate the site with vertical friezes of different sizes, thicknesses and colors. But it will cost at least $ 600.

– It will be fine, but expensive. There will be a wow effect, but the same effect can be achieved for less money with other materials. I would not refuse in your place and kitsch in the form of a tile with "shiny". It was already in fashion, and soon such kitsch would become fashionable again. Please note that generally everyone loves materials. Another thing, how they combine in the interior, – expressed his opinion Lily.

Eugene was also in agreement with this, who visualized for Sasha several examples of the use of his products in the interior. "There should be a lot of such images, and tiles should be divided into collections, designers can only come up with a more or less complete picture, with real examples, and a man should imagine what it looks like on the wall, "adds the chief architect of the workshop VAE

During the two-hour conversation, the guys have formulated several tips for Alexander.Of course, it will be difficult to occupy a firm place in the design segment, but this can not be described as impossible, and for success, at least the following will be necessary: ​​

  1. Forming a collection of tiles and friezes, making a beautiful catalog.On top of that, you have to work hard, find a name for each collection, specify the colors according to the RAL table, show the application in the interiors.With such catalogs, you can already apply to expensive salons focused on ur the designers. But, again, they agreed that without recommendations, it is essential.
  2. I will have to present my products in exhibitions and in specialized magazines. At the same time, it mainly consists of Russian exhibitions and publications, since it is not necessary to rely on a small Belarusian market. Participation in such exhibitions will cost a round sum, but there is a way out. You can, for example, make an interior for a company that will transport its furniture to the exhibition.
  3. To show designers the benefits of their product, it is necessary to create an interior in an unusual place with his help. For example, on Khipper Oktyabrskaya many fashionable offices with terrible public toilets. One of them can be tiled. According to Lily, you will get an impressive PR. The girl volunteered to help Sasha free to design a project.

Alexey. Facebook – our all

Oksana and Alex met just during the Blue Lakes tour. At the same time, the girl admitted that she probably would not have decided herself on such a trip, but shortly after the start of the trip, she declared that it was really healthy. .

This, according to Oksana, is the main problem of ecological tourism. can weigh its value. Many believe that traveling around Belarus should cost nothing, so for them the price will be high.

Here's how Alexey defined the problem: "For the purposes of the experiment, we were calling people already uninteresting to us.But first, everything is expensive for a tour in Belarus: People do not particularly understand what kind of product they are offered and what is included in the product or here the person will look at pictures and say – yes, it's interesting, you have to go there. they discover the price, it's already somehow useless. "

Well, it's one of the main issues in the beginning of a guy's business – the definition of the target audience. According to Alexey, it's only been recently, about a year and a half after the start, that he realized that it's necessary to work with people who have the ## 147 ## 39, money for a complete holiday, just to spend free time on weekends. now among the main tasks – to explain to potential customers what they will get from the tour. Well, the price, in his opinion, is normal, adequate:

– There is nothing to fear. The most popular visit to Blue Lake, do you say? So explain to everyone why this is possible! Here, for example, you have on the site among the advantages of the indicated visit: "You will know what the nature breathes". But it's a vague, philosophical definition and far from the categories that people think are just tired in their offices and need a reboot. The benefits of the tour – this and any other – need to be clarified, indicating those nuances that will at least pique the "Read More" button. And there and "Book tour" will be somewhere nearby.

Here are recommendations for promotion in social networks, which Oksana formulated for Alexei. Most likely, they will be useful to you.

1. Make sure to actively attend social networks, especially Facebook and Instagram. There – your audience. The site, of course, is also needed, but this tool is more static, designed to present detailed and detailed information. Social networks are necessary to be constantly in the field of vision of potential customers.

2. Today, the strength of social networks is such that they can bring you about half of all customers – and that 's great. In order to structure the content, think about the headings, which should include the feedback from those who have already visited one of your tours and possibly told their subscribers. Do not forget the most important people – your tourists. Their happy and happy faces during a walk on the lake or horseback will certainly play a decisive role in the decision to buy a tour by other people. The main thing: tourists and critics should be real.

3. Someone believes that the "stories" on Instagram are useless. Oksana is convinced that in them – the power. During the day, you can shoot short videos and broadcast them all at the same time – in the evening, because there is a bad connection in the forests. Although in fact it is another badet of such excursions: a complete merger with nature, no notification of new messages in instant messengers. Life on the Internet will wait.

4. If you see that people from Instagram keep your messages, that's fine. This is how deferred demand is demonstrated: a person came in, saw, loved, and saved the record. I did it because in the near future I will not turn, but one day … However, it is also a danger because after a while a person can forget his desire, and during the global "cleaning" remove all registered entries are useless.

5. Remember that – in any case, people work with people. Prepare the contents of your accounts, familiarize your subscribers with your guides. For example, like this: "Hello, I'm calling Lesha, I know everything about beavers and horses and I'm going to talk to you about it." Business should have a face.

6. Let's "free micro" for tourists. Contact them, be interested in what led Anya from Polotsk to blue lakes. Find out why Anton has traveled a few hundred miles to Gomel for rafting on kayaks in your company. And here again are tourists from Sweden, who do not interfere with the Belarusian forests for your stories, even if they do not make kilometer or heavy rain. Surely all these people have something to say. Ask – provide the right content.

7. Photo, photo, photo! The theme of the trip is one of the most grateful in terms of visualization. So use that! Good shots literally go in your hands – catch. And again, remember people – the living participants of all your activities. Do not hesitate to tag your tourists on photos in social networks. With a few exceptions, people are always welcome to this attention.

8. To keep the accounts of beginner companies in social networks should be people who know their subject perfectly, are immersed in it from morning to evening day to day. No third party SMM contractor, public relations specialist will do it better than you, though it is important to convey all the soul of the business you are doing. A competent sales text sometimes solves many questions, but not all and not always. Therefore, in a situation where there is no budget, but having a great desire to develop what started, manage your accounts yourself. Until you become a great travel company. At the initial stage, you will have several consultations to understand how to build this work as efficiently as possible.

9. The promotional video advertising of the quadrocopter is a great desire and a worthwhile affair. But if you do not have enough money for professional photography, you can get by with little blood. For example, ask tourists to share a video. I'm sure many will not do it. And you can always thank them publicly in the publication. In the end, everything will be satisfied.

In general, the future of social networks, Oksana is convinced. Alexei seems to agree, but, he says, there are nuances.

– We promoted the Blue Lakes tour on Instagram, spending a week advertising $ 80. As a result, there were about a thousand transitions and less than a hundred questions about the price. It sounds cool! But despite all that, they did not receive any real order.

Well, these are the peculiarities of social networks – not necessarily advertising will give immediate effect. However, in the medium term, this can bring a lot.

– Right now, I want to become a relatively large company. But I'm afraid that with its growth values ​​will be lost. On the other hand, we do not do anything supernatural, we must educate people, fall in love with them in this matter. I believe that our perspective audience is Western Europe. That's what we will be able to live and develop

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