The Russian army will soon receive a new hypersonic and laser weapon


The Russian armed forces will soon receive a new weapon, whose combat properties are based on laser and hypersound energy technologies, reports TASS. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, his first samples are already being used on an experimental basis.

As the agency recalled, Vladimir Putin spoke last year about the development of new weapons in Russia. This year, he went on to say that the Peresvet laser complexes used by the troops would be in service in December of this year.

It should be noted that the nuclear submarine carrier for "Poseidon" will be launched "this spring", also began mbad production of the complex "Avangard". Putin reported on the successful test of the Sarmat intercontinental missile and an unlimited range cruise missile with the Burevestnik nuclear propulsion system. He noted that everything is going as planned.

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